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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU


本研究旨在探討諮商團體的歷程中,影響成員在團體中選擇作自我表達的原因之歷程變化,採問卷調查方法進行,以九個非結構式、各進行十次的諮商團體之58個成員作為研究對象,分析其第二次至第十次團體聚會單元後,所填寫之「自我揭露量表」。研究結果發現:(一)在團體前段(二至四次)成員自我陳述願意揭露自己的因素較重要的為「正向關係」而未能自我揭露的原因則以「自我不確定性」和「自我貶抑」因素為主。(二)在團體中段(五至七次)成員願意自我揭露之因素大致與前段相同,惟「正向關係」因素與「打破沉默」因素均略微下降;未能揭露之「自我不確定性」和「自我貶抑」因素較為降低,但「個人步調」和「無法自在」卻略微上升。(三)在團體後段(八至十次)成員願意自我揭露的因素次序約與前、中段相同;未能揭露因素中「自我不確定性」和「自我貶抑」因素,較中段更為下降,「自我貶抑」「信賴不足」 「個人步調」和「無法自在」等因素均趨近於零。研究根據結果進行相關實務討論與建議。
This study explored factors affecting self-disclosure and their changes among members in group counseling. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 58 clients in nine counseling groups each lasted for 10 sessions. Data from the second to the eighth sessions were gathered at the conclusion of each counseling session using the "Self-Disclosure Questionnaire(SDQ)" Results indicated that: (1) at the initial phase (sessions 2 to 4),willingness to self-disclose is due to "Positive Relation" factor, and unwillingness to self-disclose is due to "uncertainty about self" and "self-deprecation" factors. (2) at the middle phase (sessions 5 to 7), willingness to self-disclose is related to similar factors as those in the initial phase, although the weights of "Positive Relationship" and "Break the Silence" factors slightly decreased; for unwillingness to self-disclose, the weights of the "Self Uncertainty" and "Self-Deprecation" factors slightly decreased, but the weights of "Personal Pace" and "Feeling Uncomfortable" slightly increased. (3) At the latter phase (sessions 8 to 10), willingness to self-disclose factors and their relative weights were about the same as that in the initial and middle phases; for unwillingness to self disclose, the factors of "Uncertainty" and "Self-Deprecation" factors were lower than that in the middle phase, and the factors of "Self Deprecation" "Lack of Trust, "Personal Pace," and "Feeling Uncomfortable" approached zero. Results were discussed and practical implications were suggested


