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摘要 「西門町」原是日治時期舊街名。歷經百年的時空轉化,在政治、經濟、人口、家庭、教育、交通、文化、全球化等社會變遷因素的影響下,西門町的文化環境,從清末「三市街」(艋舺、大稻埕和城內)之間的自然荒原墳地,經過日本殖民政府的空間改造(艋舺窪地填土計畫及市區改正)而成為文化殖民的娛樂消費空間,及至光復後和中華商場連結以及電影工業的蓬勃發展,而將西門町推展至鼎盛的消費社會。 九十年代,台北商圈東移和拆除中華商場而進入衰退期。1999年底捷運西門站開始營運,大量人潮湧現,地方社群合力推動商圈復甦和地方政府的介入規劃,在原有棋盤式街道的基礎上,設置「行人徒步區」,使西門町擁有消費「東京淺草區」的空間想像,開始邁入以青少年為主的流行商品文化的消費空間。 本研究首先回顧現有的文獻,界定「文化環境」的意涵與案例研究的省思,探討台灣的社會變遷與國家政策,進而探討青少年次文化與流行文化。 其次,分析跨越百年時空的西門町,在清末、日治時期、光復後的文化環境與社會變遷相互作用下,如何將其推展至戰後鼎盛的消費社會。 最後,進行西門町文化環境與社會變遷的現況檢視,提出對西門町文化環境有關的自然、人文、文化與社會面向的關懷,並進一步探討西門町的流行文化空間與消費社會景觀,以及在社會變遷與文化環境的相互作用下,青少年流行商品文化的消費景觀,如何變成西門町獨特的空間地景。 從以上逐步推展的局部研究,獲致研究的成果:(1)文化環境與社會變遷是相互作用的,社會變遷會賦予西門町不同時期的空間意涵,而文化環境的活化與轉化也會影響到社會變遷。(2)西門町的文化環境在社會變遷的催化下,從清末三市街的折衝空間,經過日治時期文化環境的營造而成為文化殖民的娛樂消費空間,至光復後,因政治與經濟變遷而形成消費社會。(3)西門町的空間文化,呈現以「青少年次文化」為主的流行文化消費空間,其中包括:身體和性的流行文化、大眾傳播媒體的娛樂化、自我身體認同的紋身美學和整型美學、街頭塗鴉文化的異國風情消費、歐美日韓電影文化殖民的空間消費等。(4)青少年對於西門町的空間消費,除了經由流行商品消費以滿足「符號消費」和「階級消費」外,最具特色的就是將西門町當成嘉年華會場和消磨青春歲月的走街秀場,使西門町建構成消費台北城市的空間地景。(5)西門町空間的消費文化,除了青少年流行文化的消費景觀外,還包括:家庭親情社會儀式的實踐空間、老年社群的消費文化空間以及傳統漢人社群的廟會文化空間等的多元文化景觀。 關鍵字:西門町、文化環境、社會變遷、全球化、本土化、消費、地景、次文化
Abstract Ximenting used to be a street name during the Japan colonization. After a century change, it was influenced by the transformation factors such as: politics, economy, population, family, education, transportation,culture and globalization. The culture environment at Ximenting has been shifted from Xanshijie (containing Moungar, Dadaochen and inner city areas), a natural wilderness graveyard in late Ching dynasty to a culture colonization and entertainment consuming area by a colonial Japanese reconstruction plan (containing earth fill plan of Moungar marsh and urban district renewal). Finally, by merging Chunghua Mart and accompanying a thriving development of movie industry, Ximenting was promoted as a most prosperous consuming area after Taiwan restoration. During 90's, Ximenting became less prosperous when Taipei commercial area is gradually moving eastward and Chunghua Mart was torn down. Ximen Station of Taipei Mass Rapid Transit system is inaugurated to run in the year end of 1999 and thus it has attracted a large population. A rejuvenation project by local community as well as a construction plan by city government was implemented just at its original checkered road and street basis. Meanwhile, a Pedestrian District was set up and upgraded Ximenting a spatial image of Asakusa, Tokyo. Then it was shaped as a fashion commercial area dedicated to young people. At first, this thesis will review the current available documents in order to define "culture environment" and case reflection, to analyze social change and the national policy in Taiwan, and furthermore, to study the juvenile subculture and fashion culture. Then, it will continue to analyze Ximenting evolution in the past century. The interaction factors of culture and social change during the Ching dynasty, Japan colonization and Taiwan restoration have led to the most prosperous consuming society for the time being. At last, an evaluation to the current Ximenting culture environment and social change will be proceeded and, consequently, and a concern will be brought about toward its nature, human, culture and society orientation. Moreover, a further study will lead to the mutual influence between social change and culture environment. The consuming spectacle for the juvenile fashion culture made Ximenting to become a unique landscape. In conclusion, the thesis results obtained from the above different gradual studies will bring about: (1) Culture environment and social change will influence each other. Social change will endow a space conception during the different times. Rejuvenation and transformation of culture environment will influence social change, too. (2) Catalyzed by its social change, Ximenting culture environment has become the current consuming space from Xanshijie transforming space in late Ching dynasty, and, subsequently, a colonial culture and entertainment consuming area constructed by the established Japanese culture environment, and, finally, the new consuming society being politically and economically changed after Taiwan restoration. (3) Ximenting space culture mostly appears to be a fashionable "Juvenile Subculture" consuming space, including: sex and body fashion, mass media for entertainment, body tattoo and orthopedic aesthetics, street brushing and exotic consumption, and a colonial culture space consuming for Europe, America, Japan and Korea movies. (4) In view of Ximenting space consuming, young people satisfy themselves by symbol consuming and class consuming through popular goods, meanwhile, they will particularly take Ximenting as a Carnival site and a street show to spend their young life. Thus Ximenting was constructed as a landscape for the consumption of Taipei city. (5) The consumer culture at Ximenting space will contain not only a consuming spectacle for the juvenile fashion culture, but also a fulfilling space for family intimacy and social etiquette, a consuming culture space for the old people as well as a traditional temple culture space for Han people so as to present a multi-culture spectacle. Keywords: Ximenting, culture environment, social change, globalization, localization, consumption, landscape, subculture



西門町, 文化環境, 社會變遷, 全球化, 本土化, 消費, 地景, 次文化, Ximenting, culture environment, social change, globalization, localization, consumption, landscape, subculture

