

本篇論文旨在探討華語文教師面對跨文化的外籍學生,可能遇到課室經營之疑難處以及對應之道,進而求得可供華語文教師於經營跨文化課室參考之通則。 整體研究的理論架構,為從跨文化與課室經營的本質與複雜面開始討論,延伸到跨文化因素在華語學習課室中,帶給教師和學生於教學與學習方面的影響,以此建立研究的理論基礎。研究方法採描述性研究法,此研究法對課室內所發生的實際狀況提供了豐富的細節與解釋,並能夠解答本研究的提問與欲探討的目的。以問卷調查與訪談的技術,對十三所大學院校華語中心之華語文教師為研究對象進行資料蒐集。從問卷調查結果得知華語教師常見的跨文化課室經營疑難處;從訪談結果得知華語教師所抱持的教學理念及實際所採用的解決作法,並將之與學者提出的課室經營理念與模式作分析與討論,進而得到常見的跨文化課室經營疑難點與解決作法之研究結果,其中常見的疑難點包括學生方面的人格特質、學習行為和跨文化之人際關係,以及教師方面的人格特質及跨文化的課室經營技巧;解決作法則包括鼓勵學生積極學習、增進師生關係與營造積極的課室氣氛。 從研究結果得知華語文教師需要正視跨文化的課室經營技能,因為影響學生學習的變數有性格、學習態度與跨文化的人際關係等,而教師本身的性格、教學態度與跨文化的課室經營技巧,亦同樣具決定性。從研究結果的內涵歸納出華語文教師跨文化課室經營之通則,包括下列幾點:(一)華語文教師需要專業華語文教學學養,這仍是華語教師首要必備條件,因為這是學生最需要的;(二)華語文教師需要跨文化的知識與包容,這是華語教師面對不同文化背景學生的唯一利器;(三)華語文教師需要課室經營技能,這是一種教學經驗積累的智慧,但仍可經由不斷地學習與反思獲取;(四)華語文教師需要建立個人的課室經營理念與策略,唯有教師自己有所依循,學生才得以有所遵循。
The objective of this study is to search in depth the principals of cross-cultural class management by L2 Chinese language teachers and research the possible difficulties they face and the way to overcome them. The theoretical structure of this research project begins with the discussion of the characteristic and complications of the management of cross-cultural classes, then it proceeds to discuss the effects and influence of cross-cultural factors in L2 Chinese language classes upon the teachers and students. The descriptive method is adopted as the research method which provides a wealth of details and explanations in what actually transpired in the classroom. It can also provide solutions to the various points raised and achieve the objectives of this research paper. Using the technique of questionnaires survey and interviews relevant materials are collected and collated from L2 Chinese language teachers in Chinese language centers affiliated to 13 universities. From information gathered from questionnaires survey it has established the common difficulties L2 Chinese language teachers encounter in cross-cultural class room management. From the results of interviews they have established the teaching attitude and actual means adopted by L2 Chinese language teaches in solving those problems. Using them as a basis to analyze and discuss class room management techniques and methods advocated by scholars and finally to accomplish the research objective of solving the common difficulties encountered in the cross-cultural classroom management. They comprise the characteristic of the students, their attitudes towards study and cross-cultural interaction with others; the special characteristics of teachers and their techniques in cross-cultural classroom management and their solutions to solving those difficulties. The results of the research have established the principals of L2 Chinese language teachers in the management of cross-cultural classroom management. They include (1) the specialized knowledge acquired by the L2 Chinese language teachers is a most important ingredient which they must possess because it is the basic and is also most desired by the students, (2) the understanding, knowledge and tolerance of cross-cultural values are the sole effective means for L2 Chinese language teachers to face students from different cultural backgrounds, (3) the technique of classroom management is the accumulated wisdom of teaching experience which can be acquired through learning and reflection, (4) L2 Chinese language teachers need to depend on their personal teaching concepts to formulate a classroom strategy suitable for their classroom management. It is only when teachers have their guidelines in place then the students can follow suit.



跨文化, 課室經營, 華語教學, 華語文教師, Cross-Culture, Classroom Management, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Chinese Language Teacher

