的宿舍自治幹部暨宿舍同儕輔導員為對象,共發出586 份問卷,有效問卷計416份,選取16 位有意願的學生,進一步以開放性問卷調查。本研究主要發現如下:
(一) 宿舍自治幹部與宿舍同儕輔導員的角色認同,介於「非常同意」與「同意」之間。平均得分最高為「促進交流互動及發揮同儕影響力」面向;最低為
(二) 宿舍自治幹部與宿舍同儕輔導員的角色實踐,介於「經常做到」與「偶爾做到」之間。平均得分最高為「促進交流互動及發揮同儕影響力」面向;
(三) 宿舍自治幹部與宿舍同儕輔導員角色認同皆大於實踐程度。差異最大為
(四) 自變項中除了加入動機外,宿舍自治幹部與宿舍同儕輔導員角色認同與實踐均有顯著差異。
(五) 宿舍自治幹部認為最主要服務內容為「協助處理宿舍行政事務」;宿舍同儕輔導員認為最主要服務內容為「促進交流互動及發揮同儕影響力」。
This study was to understand the differences in role-identity and role-performance of the self-governance group and the peer consolers in the dormitory of the universities. The differences in role-identity and performance of different background and variables were compared and came up with the main services of the self-governance group and the peer consolers. Finally, proposed related advice according to the results. This research mainly used questionnaire survey, first tested with scales and then open questionnaire. It was divided into two parts: the role-identity and performance also personal information. The specimen was the self-governance group and the peer consolers in the dormitories from eight public or private universities. Total 586 questionnaires were given out and return with 416 effective ones. 16 willingly students were selected for further open questionnaire survey. The main findings of this research are: I. The role-identity of the self-governance group and the peer consolers of the dormitories were in between “very much agree” and “agree.” The aspect of “promoting interaction and peer influence” had the highest average point; the aspect of “secure the right of the dormitory residents” had the lowest points. II. The role performance of the self-governance group and the peer consolers of the dormitories were in between “often achieved” and “sometimes achieved.” The aspect of “promoting interaction and peer influence” had the highest average point; the aspect of “secure the right of the dormitory residents” had the lowest points. III. The role-identity of the self-governance group and the peer consolers of the dormitories was higher than the performance. “Promote the educational function of the dormitory” had the biggest differences; “assist with the dormitory administration affair” had the smallest differences. IV. For the independence variables, except join motivation, the role-identity and performance of the self-governance group and the peer consolers of the dormitories had prominent differences. V. The main service that the self-governance group thought was “assist with the dormitory administration affair;” the main service that the peer consolers thought was “promoting interaction and peer influence.” According to the results, this research proposes advice to the students and the school as the references for the dormitory-related sectors.
This study was to understand the differences in role-identity and role-performance of the self-governance group and the peer consolers in the dormitory of the universities. The differences in role-identity and performance of different background and variables were compared and came up with the main services of the self-governance group and the peer consolers. Finally, proposed related advice according to the results. This research mainly used questionnaire survey, first tested with scales and then open questionnaire. It was divided into two parts: the role-identity and performance also personal information. The specimen was the self-governance group and the peer consolers in the dormitories from eight public or private universities. Total 586 questionnaires were given out and return with 416 effective ones. 16 willingly students were selected for further open questionnaire survey. The main findings of this research are: I. The role-identity of the self-governance group and the peer consolers of the dormitories were in between “very much agree” and “agree.” The aspect of “promoting interaction and peer influence” had the highest average point; the aspect of “secure the right of the dormitory residents” had the lowest points. II. The role performance of the self-governance group and the peer consolers of the dormitories were in between “often achieved” and “sometimes achieved.” The aspect of “promoting interaction and peer influence” had the highest average point; the aspect of “secure the right of the dormitory residents” had the lowest points. III. The role-identity of the self-governance group and the peer consolers of the dormitories was higher than the performance. “Promote the educational function of the dormitory” had the biggest differences; “assist with the dormitory administration affair” had the smallest differences. IV. For the independence variables, except join motivation, the role-identity and performance of the self-governance group and the peer consolers of the dormitories had prominent differences. V. The main service that the self-governance group thought was “assist with the dormitory administration affair;” the main service that the peer consolers thought was “promoting interaction and peer influence.” According to the results, this research proposes advice to the students and the school as the references for the dormitory-related sectors.
宿舍自治組織幹部, 宿舍同儕輔導員, 角色認同, 角色實踐, the self-governance group, the peer consolers, role-identity, role-performance