文化資本影響學業成就之研究: 以台灣地區為例

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Bourdieu所提出的「文化資本」是當前教育社會學界,用以解釋社會階級、家庭與學校教育如何相互構建,有利於階級再製的重要概念。然而自從DiMaggio將「文化資本」概念化為變項進行量化分析後,有關文化資本的實際效果,一直是爭議的焦點。其中,除文化資本的操作定義外,文化資本與習性變項間孰輕孰重、教師的角色、性別差異等,都是各研究探討的議題。基於此,本研究參酌過去台灣地區有關文化資本的研究,歸納出本論文的文化資本操作定義,並參考國內外相關文獻,建構文化資本影響學業成就的路徑機制,且利用結構方程模式的統計方法,針對所提出的路徑機制進行分析與討論。研究結果如下:1. 社經地位會透過文化資本與習性再影響學業成就,其中通過習性影響的幅度較大;2. 社經地位影響學業成就之路徑模式有性別差異,透過文化資本再影響學業成就的幅度,女生高於男生;透過習性再影響學業成就的幅度,男生高於女生;3. 教師知覺是「文化資本」效果發揮的關鍵中介變項,特別是男生;4. 文化資本作用模式在台灣偏向「文化再製」理論。最後,研究者根據研究發現,針對教育行政當局、學校、家庭與文來研究提出相關的建議,以為未來教育行政決策、學校與家庭教育實施、學術探討等參考依據。
The idea of Cultural capital raised by P. Bourdieu has become a key concept in sociology of education to explain the inequality of educational opportunity. However, the effect of cultural capital on student achievement is still in debate since DiMaggio’s quantitative research in 1982. These controversies include the operational definition of cultural capital, the role of teachers, the influence results from gender, and effects of cultural capital and habitus. Based on the background, the study proposed a new model to explain how cultural capital, habitus, and teachers’ perception of students mediated the relationship between school success and family socioeconomic status. To achieve the goal, the study used Taiwan Education Panel Study as the source and analyzed the data with structural equation models. The research findings showed that: 1. Both cultural capital and habitus had significant effect on students’ score. However, the total effect that habitus displayed was stronger than it of cultural capital. 2. Cultural capital and habitus could help to explain how socioeconomic status influenced students’ academic achievements. But cultural capital had more significant influence on female students than on males, habitus had more significant influence on male students than on females. 3. Teachers’ perception of students was the critical variable that influenced the effect of cultural capital on students’ scores, especially for male students. 4. The results of Taiwan supported cultural reproduction theory. At last, suggestions according to the findings were proposed.



文化資本, 習性, 教師知覺, cultural capital, habitus, teachers' perception





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