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多年來彭小妍研究員在中研院主題研究先導計畫項下,組織跨國研究團隊,致力於推動國內外翻譯研究並尋訪合作對象。自2004年7月至2008年6月,先導計畫所探討研究主題為「文本翻譯與文化脈絡:晚明以降的中國、日本與西方」,已分別在台北、愛知、巴黎舉行過研討會。為了鼓勵國內外博士生這方面的研究,2007年12月在台灣師範大學舉辦國際青年學者會議,主題為「翻譯:東亞與西方」。下一次研討會訂於2008年6月在英國曼徹斯特大學舉行。 為接續先導計畫,彭與李奭學副研究員協同英國曼徹斯特大學James St. André組織新的研究團隊,在國家科學委員會及英國人文研究委員會合作項下,擬正式展開研究計畫,主題為「自我與他者:翻譯文本中的中國與西方」。本研究計畫旨在探討,中國與西方如何翻譯彼此的文本與概念,進而建立自我形象。例如,近代中國往往按照自己的眼光及需求,挪用、改造他者,進而重塑自我。西方亦然。如眾所周知,西方前衛藝術家藉由模仿東方來創新自身藝事者,所在多有。本研究團隊擬闡明:翻譯行為是我們解讀他者時,重新打造自我的過程;翻譯的最終目標或許是創造自我。
Peng Hsiao-yen has conducted a pilot program on translation studies with a team of international researchers for years. From July 2004 to June 2008, supported by Academia Sinica, they have worked on the topic of “Textual Translation and Cultural Context: China, Japan, and the West Since the Late Ming” and workshops have been held in Taipei, Aichi, and Paris. In order to promote translation studies among Ph. D. students worldwide, a conference for junior scholars on “Translation: East Asia and the West” was held at National Taiwan Normal University in December 2007. The next event will be a workshop to be held at the University of Manchester in late June 2008. After the conclusion of the pilot program, Peng and Li Sher-shiueh plan to jointly direct a research project along with James St. André of the University of Manchester under the agreement between the National Science Council of Taiwan and the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom on the topic “Self and Other: Images of China and the West in Translation.” This project intends to explore how China and the West reconstruct the image of the self through translating the Other. For instance, modern China constantly reinvents itself while assimilating and transforming its others according to its own vision and needs. The same can be said about the West. It is a well-known fact that Western avant-garde artists reshaped their artistry through the translation and imitation of Eastern artistic forms. This team aims to shed light on translation as an act through which we reinvent ourselves while decoding others; the ultimate goal of translation is perhaps self-invention.
Peng Hsiao-yen has conducted a pilot program on translation studies with a team of international researchers for years. From July 2004 to June 2008, supported by Academia Sinica, they have worked on the topic of “Textual Translation and Cultural Context: China, Japan, and the West Since the Late Ming” and workshops have been held in Taipei, Aichi, and Paris. In order to promote translation studies among Ph. D. students worldwide, a conference for junior scholars on “Translation: East Asia and the West” was held at National Taiwan Normal University in December 2007. The next event will be a workshop to be held at the University of Manchester in late June 2008. After the conclusion of the pilot program, Peng and Li Sher-shiueh plan to jointly direct a research project along with James St. André of the University of Manchester under the agreement between the National Science Council of Taiwan and the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom on the topic “Self and Other: Images of China and the West in Translation.” This project intends to explore how China and the West reconstruct the image of the self through translating the Other. For instance, modern China constantly reinvents itself while assimilating and transforming its others according to its own vision and needs. The same can be said about the West. It is a well-known fact that Western avant-garde artists reshaped their artistry through the translation and imitation of Eastern artistic forms. This team aims to shed light on translation as an act through which we reinvent ourselves while decoding others; the ultimate goal of translation is perhaps self-invention.