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本研究旨在探討臺灣閩南人三大傳統節日休閒活動的起源、現況及內容比較,並分析其類型、特性、意涵、功能及信仰等。研究方法係採用「文獻分析法」、「比較法」及「歸納法」。根據上述研究目的,本文主要研究結果如下: 一、三大傳統節日各有不同的起源,且展現出相異的節日休閒活動現況。 二、三大傳統節日休閒活動的內容透過飲食、辟邪物、傳說故事、詩歌諺語及祭祀等五大類來比較,以瞭解其異同與結果。 三、三大傳統節日休閒活動類型主要有運動性、娛樂性、社交性及特殊性等四類,其特性則有傳承性、民族性、群體性、宗教性、祈願性、規範性、非常性、變異性、可行性及多樣性等十點。 四、三大傳統節日休閒活動的社會功能則有調節身心與情感宣洩、凝聚親族情感與維繫社交關係、滿足工商社會娛樂需求、促進社群整合與穩定社會規範及發揚民族精神與維護節日文化等五項功能。 五、三大傳統節日休閒活動民間信仰主要有原始宗教、古典宗教及現代宗教三種,其信仰心理分析則有祀神崇敬祈福心願、祭祖懷親尋安心理、畏鬼辟邪無禍心態、重視親情團聚情懷及追求福祿壽子目標等五項。
The purpose of this study aimed to discuss the origins, current situations, comparisons on the elements, types, traits, meanings, functions, and beliefs, under the theme of the three great traditional festivals for Minnan people. Research methods of this study included documentary analysis, comparison method, and inductive method. Based on the above research purpose, main findings were summarized as follows: 1. The major origins of three great traditional festivals were different and there were diverse leisure activities. 2. The understanding of three traditional festivals was through the elements of comparison and contrast on diets, amulets, folk tales, folk songs and proverbs, and worship. 3. Four types of leisure activities on three great traditional festivals included sports, entertainment, socialization, and specialty. The main traits were made up of inheritance, nationality, community, religion, prayer, norm, specialty, variation, feasibility, and diversity. 4. The social functions of these festivals were inclusive of improving physical and mental health, strengthening relationship among members of the same clan and maintaining social relationship, satisfying entertainment needs, reinforcing group connections, stabilizing social regulations, glorifying national spirits, and preserving the culture of local festivals. 5. The folk beliefs of leisure activity on three traditional festivals mainly included primitive religion, classical religion, and modern religion. The psychological analysis of the folk beliefs of these festivals were composed of worship to Gods and wish for blessings, ancestral worship to seek comforts, fear of ghosts to escape from disasters, emphasizing the feeling of kinship reunion, and wishes to pursue luck, fortune, longevity, and descendants.



飲食, 祭祀, 辟邪物, 社會功能, 民間信仰, diet, worship, amulet, social function, folk belief





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