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現今馬來西亞首都吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur),於一八六○年代隨著錫礦開採業的興起而崛起,一八八○年代,華人甲必丹葉亞來及英國參政司瑞天咸(Frank Swettenham)通力合作,將吉隆坡打造成一個初具現代化的城市,吸引了無數的華商前來雪、隆發展。二十世紀初,在雪蘭莪一帶的華商,有感於華人常因無知或誤解政府措施而產生事端,遂決議成立一個「商務局」(現稱「吉隆坡暨雪蘭莪中華總商會」,簡稱「隆雪中總」),讓雪蘭莪的華人能夠互通消息以及調解紛爭。當時,推舉了德高望重的陸佑為首任總理。商務局成立後,致力於爭取華人商家的權益,二戰期間曾停擺多年,商會資料也因戰火付之一炬。戰後,李孝式重組了商會,並致力於擔當華人與政府之間的溝通橋樑,使得商會的地位日趨重要,而後繼的李延年,則致力於商會的轉型,大大地拓展了商會的規模,使其成為現代化的華人商會,得以在國際的舞台盡情揮灑。本文即以這個「商務局」作為研究對象,主要運用《南洋商報》的報導和隆雪中總所出版的《會訊》、《商訊》、及兩本特刊進行文獻分析,旨在探討其成立的目的與歷史背景、二戰後的發展歷程、作為一個華人總商會的功能、以及與馬來西亞經濟的關聯。隆雪中總作為首都的華人總商會,因地利之便,得以比其他地方商會迅速掌握政府動態,反映人民意見,接觸更多元的客群,以及舉辦國際性的活動,是其發展的優勢所在,也是其深受政府信賴的關鍵。
In the 1860s, as the tin mining industries prosper, Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia, started to rapidly grow. In the 1880s, Kapitan Cina Yap Ah Loy and Sir Frank Athelstane Swettenham had cooperated to develop Kuala Lumpur into a modern city with intentions of attracting investments from Chinese businessmen in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. In the early 20th century, the Chinese businessmen in Selangor regions established “The Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur& Selangor, KLSCCCI” in case of Chinese people often stirred up trouble for ignorance or misunderstanding the government’s policies; therefore, the Chinese in Selangor could communicate information and resolve disputes through the Chamber of After the Chamber of Commerce has been established, it was devoting to strive rights for Chinese business; however, it has been stopped working during World War II and the documents of Chamber of Commerce were destroyed due to the war. After the war, Sir Henry Lee Hau Shik reorganized the chamber and acted as a bridge of communication to facilitate useful exchange of views between the government and Chinese people, which made Chamber of Commerce more important. And the successor, Lee Yan Lian, was devoted to the transformation of Chamber of Commerce, mainly expanded its business, and led it to be modern and international. Based on the structure of case study, this study explored the development and transformation of The Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur& Selangor, KLSCCCI. Documents were collected and analyzed through reports of “Nanyang Siang Pau”, newsletters, business newsletters and special issues that published by KLSCCCI, to explore the purpose of its establishment, its historical background, its development during the World War II, its function as a Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, and its economic relationship with Malaysia. KLSCCCI as the General Chamber of Commerce in capital city, due to its location, it can rapidly grasp the government dynamics, reflect people’s opinions, contact more multiple groups and hold international activities, which are the advantages of development and also the key points to gain trust from the government.



商務局, 隆雪中總, 華人商會功能, 華商, 馬來西亞經濟, Chamber of Commerce, The Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur& Selangor (KLSCCCI), The function of Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Chinese businessman, Malaysia’s economy

