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自2008年教育部頒布《國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要重大議題(海洋教育)》,明定海洋教育於100學年成為九年一貫課綱中重大議題之一。海洋教育屬於跨領域的教育,教師必須有相當程度的專業能力方能勝任。有鑑於此,本研究先以證據確立教師實施海洋教育遇到的困難,進而引用「關注本位採用模式」(Concerns-Based Adoption Model, CBAM)的架構,主張以「知識仲介者」(knowledge broker)擔任專家學者與外部資源之間的橋梁,並且依照個別教師的需求提供客製化的服務。研究者利用研習以及網路等方式,公開招募有意願的教師組成社群並接受介入,嘗試以「由下到上」的合作方式以解決上述海洋教育現場的偏倚現象。研究者藉由CBAM的三項研究工具--「關注階層」(Stages of Concern, SoC)、「使用階層」(Levels of Use, LoU)與「創新配置」(Innovation Configurations, IC),以個案方析的方式,詮釋教師在知識仲介者介入後實施海洋教育的方式。其中SoC評估教師實施海洋教育的過程中,情意方面的變化;LoU分析行動方面的改變,IC則呈現課程實施的方式與內容。除了上述研究工具,研究者也根據現場課室觀察與訪談、網路聊天室等其他質性資料,確保研究的信度與效度。本研究總共招募到17名長期合作的參與教師,為質性個案研究。研究結果發現:參與教師接受介入後,關注階層不見得全面提升,但是使用階層則普遍提升,部分教師甚至達到最高等級,且海洋課程實施方式與內容呈現多元現象。研究者根據上述結果,提出具體建議以供日後實施海洋教育與後續研究的參考。
In Taiwan, marine education has been a crucial agenda addressed in elementary and secondary school curricula. Yet, most teachers lack related content knowledge and are unfamiliar with the pedagogies. Consequently, there is an urgent need for the intervention of a knowledge broker who could bridge the gap between theory and practice. A professional development program was designed in this case study to meet this need. The program was designed under the framework of Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM), which can be used to probe educational innovations. The knowledge broker replaces the facilitator in this framework. Data collected from the Stages of Concern (SoC) questionnaire, Levels of Use (LoU) interviews as well as Innovation Configurations Map (IC Map) of CBAM reveal the impact and the necessity of the knowledge broker. Two professional development workshops and on-line platforms were held to recruit long-term participants. Finally, a total of seventeen participants from a kindergarten, five primary schools, a junior high school and a vocational high school cooperated with the research team. Based on their initial SoC and LoU, appropriate assistances were provided. Presentations to participants’ students by the knowledge broker were asked by individual participant, and hands-on activities as well as equipment were designed or provided according to individual requirements. Thus, customized needs were satisfied through lengthy discussions between participants and the knowledge broker. The results show that for the behavioral aspects, all participants’ LoU advance to higher levels; their LoU reach to IVA and above, indicating all of them can carry out marine education routinely. For the perceptions about marine education, however, not all participants’ SoC reach to higher stages. Besides, IC indicates diversified modes of marine education observed from individual teachers. Based on these findings, the researcher concludes with practical implications for further implementations as well as research for marine education.



海洋教育, 關注本位採用模式, 關注階層, 使用階層, 創新配置, marine education, Concerns-Based Adoption Model, Stages of Concern, Levels of Use, Innovation Configurations





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