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由於時代變遷,教育日漸普及,女性進入工作職場人數日趨增加,因此性別議題成為我國近年來學術研究的顯學之一,而教育程度的提昇,也促使女性投入高等教育教職或教育行政的人數激增,但是在雨後春筍的女性教育研究範疇中,對於高等教育女性主管的研究,甚至私立大學女性主管的領導等領域,觸及的仿如鳳毛鱗爪。由於性別化議題的漸受重視,台灣女性的學術空間隨之擴大。領導是管理學的重要課題,女性如何在私立大學的組織中展現其多元的管理風格,是本文所要探究的重點。 本研究採質化研究方式進行,透過、官方資料、深度訪談和參與觀察蒐集相關資料,分析、比較私立大學女性主管的晉用、升遷。透過訪談和多元資料的檢視過程,學術研究能力、溝通協調能力、成就動機、家庭支持等,為大學女性主管的優勢,及優秀女性人力資源能夠在私立大學充分發揮的要件,也是女性主管屹立職場的重要因素。從訪談分析,進而瞭解我國私立大學中女性領導風格的呈現,並由領導風格的觀點進一步瞭解女性主管對學校發展的貢獻程度。 過去關於這類的性別研究,多偏向於成功典範、領導風格、性別角色、生涯規劃之探討,本研究試圖擺脫過去的限制,把軸線拉到大學女性主管,並選擇銘傳、世新、實踐這三所背景相似,先後由專科改制大學的北部私立大學為研究對象,以女性主管的領導風格為分析面,並釐清女性主管的性別角色與領導風格的關聯性,應具備的領導能力。
As time passes by, education system becomes widely accessible. More and more females have joined the job market. The higher the education received by dominated population, the more females have better opportunities in higher education, and administrative positions. Hence, gender issues have gradually become crucial in many educational contexts. However, the role of female managers in higher education has been lack of attention. The study is aimed at the importance of female manager in private university and, as a result, provides valuable evidence of female leadership style in multi-management contexts. This study is conducted via varies quantitative research methods. The data are gathered from official statistics, in-depth interviews, and participant observation records. The results indicate that the following major factors do contribute to the success of female managers in academic context. It is hoped that the study provides valuable information and further understanding of female leadership style and the contribution of female manager for future development of the respective university. In the past, related gender studies mostly focused on successful cases, leadership style, gender role, and career planning etc. In order to prevent those biases; this study is targeted three private universities in northern Taiwan: Ming Chuan, Shih Hsin and Shih Chien Universities. These three universities were all transformed from college system to private university with similar educational background.



性別角色, 女性主管, 私立大學, 領導風格, Gender role, Private university, Female manager, Leadership style





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