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The purpose of this study was to examine the outcome of the vocational training program on the people with mental illness at work-related self-efficacy, work behavior, and functional ability. In this study, researcher invited 42 people with mental illness from one department of mental illness hospital in Taiwan, including 6 people in car washing training program, 11 people in computer-related skills training program, and 25 out-patients as a control group who never ever receive vocational training programs but receive the rehabilitaion training program. All participants were recuited and evaluated in the following tests, including Work-related Self-efficacy Scale, the Activities of Daily Living Rating Scale III, and Chu’s Hand Dexterity Test, and Chu’s Attention Test. Additionally, people who join vocational training program has evaluated the Work Behavior Inventory. All tests are measured before training, afer one month training, and after four months training. These quantitative data were analysed by descriptive statistics, repeated measures, two factor mixed design ANOVA, and Pearson correlation. The results showed receiving four months vocational training program in both groups had significantly improve on the confidence of career preparation skills in the work-related self-efficacy and on the work behavior. The computer-related skill group had better work behavior than the others. All groups in activities of daily living and attention havd no significantly changed. The hand function had significantly improved during four months car washing training. Finally, there had no correlation in work-related self-efficacy and work behavior. The study suggests that in the process of vocational training program, the trainer should evaluate the work-related self-efficacy and work behavior of trainees, and to design the course to increase the concept of work-related self-efficacy. Finally, it is also necessary to understand the current functional status of trainees about the ability of activities of daily living, attention, and hand function.
The purpose of this study was to examine the outcome of the vocational training program on the people with mental illness at work-related self-efficacy, work behavior, and functional ability. In this study, researcher invited 42 people with mental illness from one department of mental illness hospital in Taiwan, including 6 people in car washing training program, 11 people in computer-related skills training program, and 25 out-patients as a control group who never ever receive vocational training programs but receive the rehabilitaion training program. All participants were recuited and evaluated in the following tests, including Work-related Self-efficacy Scale, the Activities of Daily Living Rating Scale III, and Chu’s Hand Dexterity Test, and Chu’s Attention Test. Additionally, people who join vocational training program has evaluated the Work Behavior Inventory. All tests are measured before training, afer one month training, and after four months training. These quantitative data were analysed by descriptive statistics, repeated measures, two factor mixed design ANOVA, and Pearson correlation. The results showed receiving four months vocational training program in both groups had significantly improve on the confidence of career preparation skills in the work-related self-efficacy and on the work behavior. The computer-related skill group had better work behavior than the others. All groups in activities of daily living and attention havd no significantly changed. The hand function had significantly improved during four months car washing training. Finally, there had no correlation in work-related self-efficacy and work behavior. The study suggests that in the process of vocational training program, the trainer should evaluate the work-related self-efficacy and work behavior of trainees, and to design the course to increase the concept of work-related self-efficacy. Finally, it is also necessary to understand the current functional status of trainees about the ability of activities of daily living, attention, and hand function.
精神障礙者, 職業訓練, 工作自我效能, 工作行為, 日常生活功能, 注意力, 手功能, people with mental illness, vocational training program, work-related self-efficacy, work behavior, activity of daily living (ADL), attention, hand function