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在快速變遷的資訊時代中,人們不斷的創新、顛覆傳統。虛擬購物通路的形成,使得消費者多了不同於以往的消費選擇模式,更增加了資訊蒐集的便利性。其中電視媒體突破傳統多層次的行銷通路,以多媒體方式呈現動態、活潑且具吸引力的畫面,提供更多資訊讓消費者參考,直接面對消費者推銷商品,刺激消費者的購買意願,電視購物的興起,已逐漸改變國內的消費型態。 事實上,國內電視購物頻道存在已久,自民國八十一年由系統業者率先推出後,其服務品質一直為人所詬病,購物頻道中充斥劣質低價商品,造成消費者受騙上當後,對電視購物信心喪失,甚至列為拒絕往來戶。直到以標榜24小時服務的專業購物頻道「東森得易購」推出後,逐漸改變顧客的購買意願,進而提升顧客滿意度,並創造廣大商機,為虛擬通路中表現最亮眼的行銷管道。 本研究以電視購物為研究主體,購物頻道會員為研究母體,使用隨機抽樣、電話訪談的方式,探討虛擬通路中電視購物的顧客滿意度。研究發現有九成五受訪者對電視購物感到滿意,其中以訂購方式便利滿意度最高;在商品方面,消費者對東森購物提供的商品多樣化相當滿意,在服務方面,消費者對東森購物提供的「十天鑑賞期」及商品嚴選的保證最為滿意,在企業形象方面,消費者對東森購物的公益形象最為認同。 另外研究發現,各人口變項皆會影響部份商品、服務及企業形象滿意度。虛擬通路中影響電視購物整體顧客滿意度關鍵因素探討,在商品部份為電視購物在同類商品提供的選擇性多,在服務方面為客服人員的服務態度,在企業形象方面,是否具有良好的公益形象為影響整體滿意度的關鍵因素。本研究結果極貼近產業現況,提供了電視購物中顧客滿意度的關鍵因素,在強調客製化、分眾化的消費模式中,對於虛擬通路之經營及改善方向頗具貢獻。
Vying within the fast paced, ever changing times of the age of information, people are continuously innovating new things to supersede old traditions. The shaping of the virtual shopping channel has enabled consumers with more alternatives compared to that of the past, offering consumers another mode of shopping. Using all kinds of multimedia in forms of display, a lively atmosphere having analluring effect, providing consumers with more information, directly speaking out to the consumers themselves, stimulating consumers buying power, and as television shopping has taken off, it has gradually altered consumers mindset. In fact, domestic television shopping channels have existed quite some time already, in 1991, after local cable system operators took the lead in this market, it resulted in disaster of service and quality. Congested with poor quality and cheap products, it resulted in the lost of faith by consumers as they were constantly being swindled. It was not until a 24-hour service specialty-shopping channel surfaced, the Eastern Home Shopping (EHS) channel, did it gradually change attitudes of consumers to give rise to consumer satisfaction. Creating a vast merchandise-selling machine, among virtual channels it shined brightly as an emerging selling channel. Conducting a research study of television shopping, using the shopping channel members as the subjects, random calls were made to probe into the degree of satisfaction customers felt towards virtual shopping. It was discovered that 95% of the interviewees were satisfied with television shopping, among which they felt the greatest satisfaction was the convenience of the purchasing method. As regards to merchandise, customers also held a great level of satisfaction to the diversity of products EHS provided. And service bore the highest marks with EHS’ policy of a “10 day inspection period”. The image as an enterprise was also highly recognized, as EHS possessed a well public image in charity work. During the research, it was also discovered that different demographics of customers had a different affect on terms of merchandise, service, and the public image of the enterprise. Probing into how virtual shopping has had an affect on TV shopping as a whole, where in terms of providing selectivity of merchandise in TV shopping, providing customer satisfaction through service, possessing a good public image are all key factors in providing customer satisfaction to TV shopping. The results of this study not only lie close to the current situation of the industry, but by providing TV shopping with these key factors to customer satisfaction, only then will virtual shopping head in the direction of proper management contributing to improvements made to a customer satisfaction guarantee.



虛擬通路, 顧客滿意度, 電視購物, Virtual Channel, Customer Satisfaction, TV Shopping

