我國公務人員考績制度之研究 -以考績比例設限為例

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考績為公務人力資源管理以及文官制度之核心要素,績效管理有賴於公務人員考績制度的落實。考試院為加強獎優汰劣,研修公務人員考績法,明訂公務人員考績丙等人數為受考人總額百分之一至三,且十年內三次丙等,則辦理資遣或退休;新增優等不超過百分之五,連續兩年拿優等可快速拔擢;甲等以上人數以百分之六十五為上限之規定。第11屆考試院所提出之公務人員考績法修正草案(民國101年版本),採取了相當幅度的變革,其中考績比例設限之規定,對於受考人之權益將有相當程度的影響,是以引起本論文之研究動機。 本研究採用文獻分析法、深度訪談法,從考績理論以及考績的課責途徑做為理論基礎,分析我國考績制度等次比例實施之情形,並探討考績法修正草案中考績等次比例限制之變革及其利弊分析,期作為政府日後修法之參考,以符相對客觀的考核原則,彰顯公平正義之精神。
Performance evaluation is the core element of public service human resource management and civil service system.Performance management depends on the implementation of the civil service performance evaluation system.The Examination Yuan has been discussed and revised the Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act in order to reward the superior and eliminate the inferior . The draf stipulated the number of C class is set out to be 1%-3% ,and who is ranked three C class within a decade would be laid off or force to retired. The number of Excellent class does not exceed 5% and who is evaluated excellence in two consecutive years could get promoted quickly. The number of A Class does not exceed 65%. The Draft Amendment of the Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act(2012 edition ) proposed by the 11th Examination Yuan has a number of changes to the exsting laws. It is clear that the provision of ratio restrictions has significant influence on the rights of civil service, and a research to study the Civil Service Performance Evaluation System in Taiwan is needed. The research analysed the implementation situation of performance ranking ratio adopting the literature review method and deep interviewing method. In addition, it explored the advantages and disadvantages of performance evaluation ratio restrictions of the draw from the view of performance evaluation theory and the accountability concept. The main aim of the research is to provide suggestions for future amendment of the Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act in accordance with the principle of equality and justice.



公務人員, 考績制度, 考績比例, 公平原則, 正義原則, Civil Service, Performance Evaluation System, Performance Evaluation Ratio, Equality Principle, Justice Principle





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