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在一般以男性為中心的領導角色中,女性領導才能明顯被低估,即使在女性總就業人數比重不亞於男性的金融業,女性工作者能進入高階領導階層的機會仍遠低於男性。然而在全球金融危機的浪潮中,女性有別於男性的領導才能,已被視為可能扭轉局勢的利基,企業需要培育更多的女性高階領導人才。因此,有必要探究女性如何能晉升為高階主管及如何發展其高階主管領導才能的歷程與成功因素,以作為有效發展女性高階領導才能之參考。本研究旨在探討金融業女性高階主管領導才能發展歷程及其成功因素、阻礙因素與因應之道,以10位金融業女性高階主管為研究對象,進行一對一深度訪談,然後借重紮根理論的譯碼手續進行資料分析與處理。 研究結果發現臺灣金融業女性高階主管領導才能發展歷程,隨著女性不同生涯發展階段呈現出不同的重點:(1)女性高階主管在「生涯探索與成長期」大都成長於沒有性別刻板且重視子女培育的環境,求學期間常被委以重任,養成優勢特質與高成就表現,開始孕育女性領導才能。(2)投入職場進入「生涯建立期」的女性,因認真專業超標的績效表現,晉升基層幹部、中階主管職位,學習、建構並調整其領導才能。(3)女性高階主管有效因應來自性別、家庭與工作等阻礙,發展因應之道,晉升高階主管職位,進入「生涯維持期」確立並展現女性高階領導才能。綜觀女性高階領導才能的發展歷程,其間歷經孕育、學習、建構、調整、確立、與蛻變等不同的階段,呈現女性高階領導才能發展的多層次能力建構歷程,並可歸納女性高階主管領導才能發展的11項成功因素,包括:(1)正向的個人特質與自我信念、(2)無性別刻板的家庭成長背景、(3)良好的幹部經驗、(4)優異的學歷成就、(5)努力的展現專業績效成果、(6)婚姻與家庭的支持、(7)不斷的自我省思與調整、(8)掌握金融業組織快速發展機會、(9)角色典範學習、(10)重要生涯轉折事件、以及(11)貴人提攜等。 最後本研究依據研究結果之意涵,針對有志成為未來金融業女性高階主管者、金融業人力資源實務工作者、以及後續的研究,提出建議。
In today’s competitive environment of globalization, and domination of male-centered leaders, female leaders highly demonstrate their unique benefits of thoughtful thinking, mild, inclusive, and great interpersonal qualities at workplace. However, women's leadership is still significantly undervalued, even in the financial services industry, where the total female employment as much as men, women workers can get the high-ranking leadership opportunity is still far lower than that of men. Therefore, this study focused on female executives in the financial services industry and employed the grounded theory as the data analysis methods of qualitative research. There were ten female executives were invited for in-depth interviews to explore the female executives leadership development evolution and its success factors, obstacles, and ways to cope with. The results of this study found that the leadership development evolution of female executives in Taiwan’s financial services industry showed different development priorities in different stages of career development including Stage I - Career Growth and Exploration. Female executives mostly grew up in a family where paid great attention to children cultivation without gender stereotypes to develop positive character traits, and then entered the workplace with excellent academic background; Stage II - Career Establishment. Because of their professionalism, dedication, and performance, they were highly recognized and promoted to be the middle management level. The female leadership was learned, constructed, adjusted, and established gradually; Stage III - Career Maintenance. they had successfully developed ways to deal with different barriers from sex, family, and work perspectives, and were promoted to executive leadership positions, and developed leadership competencies for female at high-ranking leadership positions. The female executives’ leadership development revolution in financial industry evolved from various stages including giving birth, learning, construction, adjustment, establishment, and transformation. There were 11 success factors to support female senior executives’ leadership development including (1) positive character traits and self-belief; (2) no gender stereotypes growth environment; (3) great leadership exposure in school days; (4) excellent academic background; (5) excellent performance track records; (6) family support; (7) constant self-reflection and adjustment; (8) worked in a fast-growing organization; (9) role modeling system in place; (10) catalysis of critical influence events; (11) mentor guidance and support. Based on research findings, this study made specific recommendations as reference for the aspiring female workers of the future executives, human resources practitioners, and for further study.



女性高階主管, 女性領導才能, 性別議題, 阻礙因素, 成功因素, female senior executive, female leadership, gender issues, barriers, success factors





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