以應用字源為本之漢字教學設計- 以西班牙兒童為對象

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研究者目前任教於西班牙巴塞隆納的Bindung漢語學校,教學年資一年多,教過七歲到十五歲的學生;年紀從小學、國中到高中都有,教的是初級程度。漢語在西班牙並不是一個很流行的語言。其實,外語並不是西班牙最強的領域,按照2011歐盟成人教育調查,西班牙在全歐盟中最不擅長第二個語言的排名是第三名;只有百分之五十的成人會使用第二個語言。因而,在西班牙教漢語並不是一個簡單的任務。漢語的漢字更是學習者最大的難點,並且根據研究者經驗,想要讓西班牙小孩提升對漢字的好感是一個巨大的挑戰。 因此研究者的研究課程設計特別針對漢字字源,研究者認為字源教學法應該會增加學生的好奇感,因此研究者考慮到一些應用字源教學的教材、書與文獻參考來設計一個會讓西班牙小學生感興趣的漢字字源的課。 本研究的主要問題於知道是否跟西班牙的兒童應用漢字字源教學法。研究的結果挺成功的;這個教學法不只讓小學生更容易學漢字,小學生表達的興趣是之前沒看過的。他們考的測驗的結果比研究者想像的還要好。因此,研究者肯定,跟兒童應用漢字字源教學法時一定要發展的教法而且在課堂多應用的教學法。 很多研究者一直都在研究如何教漢字是最好的方法;[百聞不如一見]這個說法代表人類的記憶能力在應用圖案或詞彙時,採用圖案來記憶會較有成就 (Kobay-ashi,1986)。 根據研究者經驗,小學生教需要幫助記憶漢字的方法,而圖案就能刺激他們的想像力與創造力。 從古代的甲骨文、金文與幾個之後的漢字演化,研究者試圖透過漢字的變化讓小朋友體會漢字的故事;引起他們對漢字的認知發展以使他們上課時間變成一個在於娛樂當中發現有幾千年的歷史的珍貴且精彩的漢字。
I have been teaching Chinese in a Chinese school named Bindung for one year, in Barcelona, Spain. I taught Chinese to kids between 7 and 15 years old. The kids were in Primary school and high school and I was teaching Chinese for beginner level. Chinese in Spain is not a very popular language. Actually, foreign languages are not very popular in this country; according to the 2011 European Adult Education Survey, Spain comes second in the list of Countries who don’t master a second language; only 50% of adults can show good knowledge of a second language. For that, teaching Chinese in Spain is not an easy task. Even more, Chinese characters are the most difficult part for the Chinese learners and according to my experience, trying to make Spanish kids have interest in Chinese characters is an even bigger challenge. My research about the design of a Chinese character class is aiming at Chinese characters etymology. I truly believe that the Chinese character etymology should increase the kids’ curiosity toward Chinese characters. For this, I took references in some teaching materials about teachingetymology method, books and articles in order to accomplish the design of a class for Spanish kids regarding the etymology of Chinese characters. The main question of my thesis was to know if it would be possible to use the etymology of Chinese characters to teach Spanish kids. My experience results are very conclusive; not only this method is making the kids learning Chinese characters in an easier way, but the kids are showing an interest in Chinese characters that they never shown before. The results of their etymology tests exceeded my expectations. Hence, I can confirm that using etymology of Chinese characters with kids is a method that needs to be developed and used profusely in Chinese characters classes. A lot of researchers have been looking for the best way to teach Chinese characters. The meaning of, “An image worth a thousand words” proves that the human’s memory, when using pictures or vocabularies, will have more results using pictures (Kobay-ashi,1986). However, since kids needs mnemonics to remember Chinese characters, in this way, pictures can stimulate their imagination and creativity. From the oracle characters, then the inscriptions on ancient bronze objects and other characters evolution, I will try to use the evolution of Chinese characters to make the kids experience the stories of the Chinese characters, increase their cognition toward Chinese characters and use the time they are in class to become a time of joy where they can discover Chinese characters with thousands of years of history and mystery.



字源, 部首教學設計, 兒童認知發展, 六書, 漢字教學, Etymology, Chinese Characters Teaching Design, Cognitive Development of Children, The Six Categories, Teaching of Chinese Characters

