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Wan-Ping Van
Ching-Wei Chang
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Office of Teacher Education and Career Service
Office of Teacher Education and Career Service
本研究置在探討國中體育課實施個人與社會責任模式(TPSR) ,學生在單元教學中的學習經驗。研究參與者為新北市某圈中八年級一個班級的學生,實施22 節,每節45 分鐘(共990 分鐘) ,採訪談、學習單、開放式問卷蒐集研究資料。研究結果顯示學生經驗內容包括責任行為、責任認知、運動技能學習、班級運作、小組運作、師生互動、課堂安排、課程態度等主題。結論顯示,學生責任行為易受教學情境影響,因而學生無法完全按照教師所規劃的責任層漸進發展;因此,建議教師可運用多元的情境,使學生能嘗試在各種情境中,學習表現出正向的負責行為。此外,教師的教與學生的學之間容易產生較大的鴻溝,因此建議教師在教學時需放慢步調,而時間不足則是體育課實施TPSR教學需要克服的挑戰。
This study aimed to explore students' experiences during the implementation of TPSR unit teaching in junior high school physical education from the students' subjective interpretation.Participants were a class of students in eighth grade, totally 22 periods, each period was 45 minutes (990 minutes). Data collected with interview, worksheet and open-ended questionnaire. The results showed that student experiences including responsibility behavior, cognition ofresponsibility, motor skill learning, class operation, group operation, teacher-student interaction, class arrangement,curriculum attitude. Finally, it was concluded that the responsible behavior of students and not in accordance with the responsibilities layer and progressive development, but vulnerable to the impact of the situation. Therefore, teachers can design multiple scenarios for students to try in a variety of situations where students can show positive responsible behavior. Lack oftime was a challenge need to be overcome while implementing TPSR in school physical education. In this case, teachers will be required to slow down the teaching pace for facilitating the learning process.
This study aimed to explore students' experiences during the implementation of TPSR unit teaching in junior high school physical education from the students' subjective interpretation.Participants were a class of students in eighth grade, totally 22 periods, each period was 45 minutes (990 minutes). Data collected with interview, worksheet and open-ended questionnaire. The results showed that student experiences including responsibility behavior, cognition ofresponsibility, motor skill learning, class operation, group operation, teacher-student interaction, class arrangement,curriculum attitude. Finally, it was concluded that the responsible behavior of students and not in accordance with the responsibilities layer and progressive development, but vulnerable to the impact of the situation. Therefore, teachers can design multiple scenarios for students to try in a variety of situations where students can show positive responsible behavior. Lack oftime was a challenge need to be overcome while implementing TPSR in school physical education. In this case, teachers will be required to slow down the teaching pace for facilitating the learning process.