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吞食魚骨有致死的風險,並會導致刺痛。尚未開發出強大的魚骨檢測技術。魚骨的 X 射線成像僅限於生魚片和薄魚片,因為魚骨薄且密度低。同樣,魚嘴和喉嚨的光學內窺鏡檢查也受限於它們的小尺寸。針對食品中魚骨的快速檢測,本文提出了一種由成像模塊、傾斜振動板和監視器組成的食品安全工作站。在這項研究中,2 公斤魚鬆和 20 根魚骨的混合物被測試了 10 次。工作站成像模塊在紫外B激發下對鈣材料的螢光特徵表現出100%的檢測準確率和幾毫秒的採集率。傾斜振動板振動混合物以實現靜態和動態分離。然後停止振動,根據顯示器上顯示的信息手動去除成像的魚骨。在 10 次測試中有 8 次達到了 100% 的去除精度。 10 次測試需要 10-12 分鐘的總時間。擬議的工作站不僅具有篩選鈣基魚骨和斷骨的潛力,而且還具有對食物進行消毒的潛力。
The ingestion of fish bones bears the risk of fatality and results in stabbing pain. No powerful in-spection technology has been developed for fish bones. X-ray imaging of fish bones is limited to raw and thin fish slices because fish bones are thin and have a low density. Similarly, optical en-doscopy of fish mouths and throats is limited by their small size. For the rapid detection of fish bones in food, this paper proposes a food safety workstation composed of imaging modules, a tilt vibration plate, and monitors. A mixture of 2-kg fish fibers and 20 fish bones was tested 10 times in this study. The imaging module of the workstation exhibited 100% detection accuracy and sev-eral-millisecond acquisition rates for the fluorescent feature of calcium materials by the ultraviolet B excitation. The tilt vibration plate vibrated the mixture to achieve static and dynamic separation. The vibration was then stopped for the manual removal of imaged fish bones according to the in-formation presented on the monitors. A removal accuracy of 100% was achieved in 8 of the 10 tests. The 10 tests required a combined time of 10–12 min. The proposed workstation has high po-tential for not only screening calcium-based fish bones and broken bones but also sterilizing food.



魚刺, 振動, 食品安全, 螢光, 紫外線, 魚鬆, 成像, food safety, moni-tor, fish bones, vibration, ultraviolet, imaging, fish fibers, fluorescence

