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Department od Education, NTNU


政府對國民教育的重視與投資,使得國民教育在量的擴充與質的改進上,績效顯著。可是量的擴充與質的改進,並未見得保證學校生活素質的提昇。根據台灣省主社會處七十一年所做的青少年生活狀況調查,升學主義、學業困擾、情緒的安定與安全、青少年犯罪等是當前教育與個人生活上最大的問題。這些問題使學生對學校生活普遍感覺不幸福、不快樂、不滿意。而欲改變這種現象,應深入了解影響學生對學校不滿意的因素,針對不滿意的層面調查學校的政策方針。基於此等認識,本研究旨在分析影響國中學生對學校生活素質知覺的相關因素,據以擬具建議,以改進國民中學之學校設施。析而言之,本研究之目的如下:1.分析文獻,從有關研究中,整理出國中學生學校生活素質知覺的建構層面與指標,做為研究理論的依據。2. 瞭解學校地區及學校規模對於學生學校生活素質知覺的影響。3. 瞭解年級、性別、社經地位、學業成就等,對於學生學校生活素質知覺的影響。4. 根據前述研究結果,擬具建議,作為改進國民中學學校生活素質之參考。
The purpose of this study were to investigate how for the students' grade, sex, socio─economic background as well as the school size influenced the students' perceptions of the quality of their school life. In order to secure the above─mentioned information, the Quality of School Life Scale(QSL)developed by Williams & Batten was administered to 1387 seventh, eighth and ninth grade students selected from ten junior high schools in Taipei district. The Scale embraced seven dimensions:general satisfaction, positive affect, negative affect, status achievement, identity development, learning adventure, and future opportunities.The obtained data were statistically treated by analysis of variance and agreement percentages. The results of this study were as follows:1. School size and students' academic achievement had been found to be the main factors influencing students' general attitude to school on the dimensions of negative affect, status achievement, identify development, learning adventure and future opportunity. 2. Seventh and eighth grade students found more satisfaction in their school life than ninth grade students did. 3. Girls' perceptions of school life were significantly more positive than boys'. 4. Students' perceptions of the Quality of School life were not affected by their socio─economic background. Based on the foregoing findings the following recommendations were proposed: 1. Students should be encouraged to take more active part in classroom decision making. 2. More successful experiences should be given to students during their learning activities. 3. Learning guidance and vocational guidance should be strengthened in junior high school. 4. Junior high school should be limited to middle size with population from 1500 to 3000.


