

本研究旨在藉由瞭解台北都會地區國中學生的電玩遊戲使用者背景及遊戲使用經驗、成癮傾向,來探討影響目前國中學生電玩遊戲使用的相關因素,並討論電玩遊戲使用與青少年健康間的關係。 本研究以台北市及台北縣轄市11所公立國民中學487名二年級學生為研究對象,採用問卷調查法進行資料收集。研究分兩階段進行,首先就調查所得資料,進行研究對象背景因素、電玩遊戲使用經驗與成癮傾向、自覺健康狀況的描述,且依據「電玩遊戲成癮量表」得分最高的10﹪,篩選出「電玩遊戲成癮高危險群」;其次以卡方檢定、t檢定、單因子多變量變異數分析、Person積差相關、多元迴歸分析、典型相關等統計方法,進行電玩遊戲使用經驗與成癮傾向的相關因素檢定,並確認電玩遊戲成癮傾向與自覺健康狀況間的關聯性。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、目前國中學生使用電玩遊戲的比率將近九成,且多數人是以玩網路遊戲為主,但開始接觸網路遊戲的時間比非網路遊戲晚,多在上國中之後。大多數受訪者每週玩2次,每次使用時數在2-3小時以內,每週平均使用電玩遊戲10.5小時。自己家是最主要的遊戲場所,通常也是自己一個人玩電玩,而休閒娛樂則是使用電玩遊戲的主因。 二、「人際溝通動機」、「逃避歸屬動機」越強,使用電玩遊戲的「沉浸狀態」越深,「每週網路遊戲使用總時數」越長,「學業成績」越差的男性國中學生,其電玩遊戲成癮傾向越高。此外,性別也是影響電玩遊戲使用經驗的重要因素,而學業成績、零用錢數、休閒時數與網路遊戲的使用有較密切的關係,家中的電玩相關硬體設備則與遊戲使用年資、使用地點有關。 三、國中學生的電玩遊戲成癮傾向越高,其身心健康、自尊與人際關係都越差,且其中以「人際關係」與電玩遊戲成癮關係最為密切。 最後,針對本研究結果提出對家長、教育與政府單位之建議,並說明後續研究可努力之方向。
The purpose of this study is to understand the relationships among electric-game users’ backgrounds, using experiences, electric-game addiction and the health status of junior high school students in the metropolitan area of Taipei. The data was collected by paper-and-pencil questionnaires from 487 second-grade students of 11 public junior high schools in Taipei. This study was divided into two stages. First, the study explored the background, electric-game using experience, electric-game addiction and health status of game-users. Based on test results of “Electric-Game Addiction Scale”, the top 10﹪scores were classified in this study to the high-risk group of electric-game addiction. Second, it tested the related factors of electric-game using experience and addiction by Chi-square test, t-test, one-way MNOVA, Person’s product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. Then, the correlations of electric-game addiction and health status were examined by canonical correlation analysis. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1.It was almost 90﹪of junior high school students reported that they played electric-games in this study. Online games are the NO.1 choices during last year of the game users. Users started playing online games while they have entered junior high school, and started their computer or video games from 3 to 5 grade at primary school. For most players, the frequency of playing is twice a week, and 2 to 3 hours each time. The average time of playing electric-games per week was approximate 10.5 hours. “For fun” was the most important excuse for playing games. 2.The motivation of “Communication” and “Escape/Identification”, status of flow, total hours of playing online games per week, academic achievements at school and gender were the significant predictors to the addiction of electric-game. Gender is also a very important predictor of game using experience. The academic achievement in school, the allowance and the leisure time length were associated with the use of online games. The game-related equipments at home are correlated to the average time and the place of playing games. 3.There were statistically significant relationships between electric-game addiction to health, self-esteem and interpersonal relations. In other words, the stronger was the level of electric-game addiction, the worse were the health, self-esteem and interpersonal relations. Moreover, interpersonal relation was related to the level of electric-game addition most. Based on these findings, I make suggestions for parents, school and government and proposed future research directions.



國中學生, 電玩遊戲, 電玩遊戲成癮, 健康, junior high school students, electric-game, electric-game addiction, health status





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