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本研究旨在探討自我控制回饋情境下,學習者知覺與實際表現結果的差異,以及動作表現好與差之知覺判斷對動作表現與學習的影響。40位成人參與者,以非慣用手自我配速滑塊推動動作為實驗工作,進行獲得期60次與保留測驗12次的試作。以獲得期之參與者每次要求回饋後、接收回饋前,其回饋要求問題的填答次數,區分為自我控制回饋知覺好表現 (SC-good) 組或自我控制回饋知覺差表現 (SC-poor) 組。自變項為自我控制回饋知覺好與差表現,依變項為絕對誤差 (AE) 值及變異誤差 (VE) 值,獲得期以AE值與VE值進行2 (組別) × 6 (區間) 混合設計二因子變異數分析,其中區間為重複量數;而保留測驗的AE值與VE值則以單因子變異數進行分析。為瞭解兩組參與者自我控制回饋知覺表現是否與實際表現準確性差異,以兩組參與者在每區間要求回饋與未要求回饋之試作的AE值進行單因子變異數分析。結果發現:(一)SC-good組要求回饋之知覺好表現試作的AE值顯著低於未選擇回饋之試作,且SC-poor 組中有要求回饋與無要求回饋試作的AE值無顯著差異;(二)在獲得期及保留測驗中,SC-good組的AE值及VE值皆顯著低於SC-poor 組。本研究結論:(一)在自我控制回饋條件下,知覺好情境下的知覺表現與實際表現相同,而知覺差情境下的知覺表現與實際表現不相同;(二)在自我控制回饋情境下,對動作知覺好會促進動作表現與學習。
The purpose of this study was to explore the consistency between learners' perceived and actual performance in the context of self-controlled feedback, and the influence of perceived judgment of good and poor performance on motor performance and learning. Forty adults served as participants and experienced 60 trials during acquisition phase and 12 trials for retention test. Participants were divided into self-controlled feedback perceived good performance (SC-good) group or self-controlled feedback perceived poor performance (SC-poor) group, which was based the number of times they filled in the feedback request question. The independent variable was perceived good or poor performance of self-controlled feedback, and the dependent variables were absolute error (AE) and variable error (VE). The AE and VE during acquisition were analyzed by 2 (groups) × 6 (blocks) mixed design ANOVA with block as repeated measure; AE and VE in retention test were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. To examine the difference in accuracy between perceived and actual performance under self-controlled feedback, the AE of which trials they requested feedback and of which they didn’t requested feedback were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. The results showed that: (1) AE of the perceived good performance feedback in SC-good group were significantly lower than those trials which without requesting feedback, and there was no significant difference between AE with and without requesting feedback in SC-poor group; (2) In the acquisition phase and retention test, AE and VE in SC-good group were significantly lower than those in SC-poor group. It was concluded that (1) Under the condition of self-controlled feedback, the perceived performance in the context of good was the same with the actual performance, while the perceived performance in the context of poor was different from the actual performance and, (2) In the context of self-controlled feedback, perceived good on the performance facilitated motor performance and learning.



知覺判斷, 結果獲知, 自我控制回饋, perceived judgement, knowledge of results, self-controlled feedback





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