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社群媒體近年來在全球迅速竄紅,不斷推陳出新,而其中最具代表性的Facebook不僅受到使用者的歡迎,其社交化、個人化與互動式的特色更成為新興的新聞消費趨勢,改變了使用者與產製者的關係,更讓新聞從階層化轉為社交網絡化的消費型態,創造出迥異於傳統大眾媒體的傳播形式。 在社群媒體時代下,使用者不再是被動的消費者,而是兼具內容生產與消費的創用者,同時,使用者已經進入一個相互連結、自由書寫的新聞消費環境,而傳統大眾媒體也不再壟斷新聞的論述,新聞定義轉變成為傳統大眾媒體與公民傳播體系相互共構的環境,實質地改變使用者對新聞的見解和想像。 因此,本研究以使用者的觀點,檢視Facebook的新聞傳播特色,並採用焦點團體訪談法,針對18位大專院校學生進行訪談,分析Facebook的新聞消費意涵,並進一步探討在新聞傳播形式改變下,對於新聞定義和新聞傳播所產生的影響為何。 主要研究發現: 一.Facebook建立了一個以使用者為中心的媒介,使用者透過彼此之間的關係和連結,構築個人化和社交化的新聞情報網絡,其按讚到分享的機制更彰顯使用者在新聞消費上的主動性。 二.在社群媒體時代下,強調群眾參與、互動與連結的公民傳播體系,創造了動態流變的新聞環境,同時亦發展出諸多的新聞傳播型態和樣貌,雖然使用者將新聞的詮釋放在更大的脈絡中,但對使用者而言,具有真實性、趣味性、影響性、實用性及公共性的新聞才是恆久不變的新聞本質。 三.在快速流動的新聞消費環境下,新聞將走向內容策展,使用者需要代理人協助過濾大量的新聞和資訊,轉化成容易閱讀且有意義的新聞,甚至引領使用者激發觀點和討論,進而開創一個開放、共享與參與的新聞消費環境。
Recently, social media has quickly become popular throughout the world and continuously brings forth the fresh. Facebook is not only the undisputed king of social media, but also creates an emerging news consumption trends with the features of sociality, personalization as well as interaction. It changes the relationship between users and news producers. Meanwhile, it transforms the patterns of news consumption from hierachy to the social networking, which creates different types of traditional mass media. In the era of social media, the users are not passive consumers. They have already become both the consumers and content producers. Meanwhile, the users have entered into an interconnection news consumption environment with the freedom to write. The monopoly of interpretation of traditional mass media in the definition of news has been overthrown. On the contrary, the definition of news has already been co-constructed by the traditional mass media and the citizen media system, essentially changing the users’ thinking and image about the news. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate Facebook features on journalism and communication. It analyzes the connotation of Facebook on new consumption by focus group interviews of eighteen college and university students. Furthermore, it also explores the influence to the news definition and the environment of the news media under the change of the new news consumption format. The results of the research have three points: 1.Facebook sets a user-centered media and makes connection with users easier. Then, users can construct an individualized and socialized news networks. What’s more, the click of “like” and “share” presents the users’ initiative in news consumption. 2.In the era of social media, the citizen media system which stresses public participation, interactive, and connection has created a dynamic news environment. Meanwhile, it has also developed various kinds of journalism and communication patterns and types. Although the users have interpreted the news in a bigger context, but news concerning authenticity, interesting, impact, practicality and the public interest are the unchangeable nature of news. 3.In the rapid change of news consumption environment, the trend of news will be changing into contents curation. Thus, the users need a content curator to filter the vast amount of news and information and change the message into legible and meaningful content. Moreover, content curator will guide the users to inspire their insights and bring up the discussions, in order to build an open news consumption environment with citizen participation.



Facebook, 新聞消費, 使用者, 社群媒體, 新聞定義, Facebook, News consumption, User, Social media, The definition of news





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