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Shu-Min Wu,Chia-Chia Peng
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National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center
National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center
本文首先探討資優幼兒的特質、需求及鑑定方式、美國及畫灣學前資優幼兒教育方案實例,接著介紹畫灣如何執行與推動「學前資優充實方案J '以利資優教育向下推展。邀請縣市合作推動學前資優充實方案,並至縣市舉辦「學前資優充實方案師資培訓工作坊J '讓圈所老師了解資優幼兒的特質、課程設計、教學策略與輔導等,以及採用教師/家長檢核表、智力測驗、觀察課程、檔案評量等多元化的方式,蒐集幼兒更多的優勢能力訊息,以鑑定出資優幼兒。臺灣政府及資優教育學者已開始關心資優教育往下延伸的議題,重視學前資優幼兒的發掘與培育,然社會大眾對於學前資優教育了解仍不足,展望未來能加強資體概念的宜導、國小資優教師與學前教師人力整合興師資培訓等,且持續輔導已參與試辦之幼稚圍所。
The purpose of this paper was to explore the characteristics, special needs, and identification models of gifted preschoolers, as well as to study existing enrichment programs for cultivating gifted preschoolers in America and Taiwan. The paper then introduced how to implement and practice enrichment programs for cultivating gifted preschoolers in Taiwan. At the time this article was written, the government and professional scholars studying gifted and talented students had recently become increasingly concerned with the issue of extending gifted education to preschools. They were increasingly focused on discovering and cultivating gifted preschoolers. In the future, they will promote the conception of giftedness, and train and integrate human resources of primary schools and preschools.
The purpose of this paper was to explore the characteristics, special needs, and identification models of gifted preschoolers, as well as to study existing enrichment programs for cultivating gifted preschoolers in America and Taiwan. The paper then introduced how to implement and practice enrichment programs for cultivating gifted preschoolers in Taiwan. At the time this article was written, the government and professional scholars studying gifted and talented students had recently become increasingly concerned with the issue of extending gifted education to preschools. They were increasingly focused on discovering and cultivating gifted preschoolers. In the future, they will promote the conception of giftedness, and train and integrate human resources of primary schools and preschools.