
dc.contributorLin, Chang-Deen_US
dc.contributor.authorCheng Chian-Hoen_US
dc.description.abstract自古文人雅士皆愛荷,詠荷的詩詞和荷花的繪畫作品不計其數,荷的諧音為 "和"、 "合",因此常被視為吉祥話和百年好合的象徵。「青荷蓋綠水,芙蓉披紅鮮。下有並根藕,上有並頭蓮」,這是多麼吉祥如意的象徵祝福啊!用來祝福新婚之人,最為貼切。蓮子歷經千秋萬載,蓮花並蒂開花結果,象徵著夫妻和睦、子孫綿延不絕,這樣的形象,怎會不引起人們美好的聯想呢? 筆者在學藝的過程中發現不同的教授所畫的荷花各有技法和風格,因而吸引筆者想深入探討荷花的繪畫門道,於是在自家庭園開始種植荷花,一年四季時時觀察荷花生態,並在清晨現場速寫荷花,觀察荷花的光影變化,從小嫩芽到卷葉並伸展片片荷裙,小花苞從含苞、半開、盛綻無一不美,這期間吸引蜜蜂紛至沓來忙進忙出採花蜜,蜻蜓點水蝴蝶飛舞,荷花迎風搖曳或颳風下雨各有風姿,甚至花謝了花瓣一片片隨風輕輕飄落也美極了,大自然的生態讓人驚嘆一花一世界啊﹗ 又讀到清初學者車萬育的詩句"野渡燕穿楊柳雨,芳池魚戲芰荷風"。深深感受荷塘風光之美,因而以"芳池荷風"探討荷花相關藝術作為研究和論述。 本論文架構分為五大章,第一章緒論,說明研究動機與目的、研究內容與範圍、研究方法、名詞解釋。第二章說明荷花的生態與結構及藝術上的表現意涵,詩詞、書法和荷花的美學關係。第三章說明創作形式與內容分析,包含構圖的安排、墨韻的追求、布白的運用、和意境的追求。第四章為創作與作品解析,說明創作的理念、形式與內容。第五章結論總結創作上的省思及自我期許。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince ancient times, the lotus has been loved by scholars and poets in China. There are numerous poems and paintings about the lotus.The homonyms of the lotus are “harmony” and “combination”, so it is often used as a symbol of auspicious words and a hundred years of good union. “The green leaves of the lotus cover the green water, and the hibiscus is red and fresh. The roots are connected and from there, sometimes two flowers are growing.”This is a symbol of good luck! and it’s great to be used to bless a newly-wed couple. A pretty lotus blossom followed by the growing seeds indicates a heritage of our family value: husbands and wives, sons and daughters, and their descendants passing on from generation to generation. Such an image can really cause people to have a good association between the plant and human. In the process of learning art, the author discovered that the lotus flowers painted by different professors have their own techniques and styles. No matter whether they are fine brushwork, small freehand, big freehand, splashing ink or automatic techniques, they all have their own characteristics, and styles. Therefore, in order to deeply study the lotus blossoms, the author started to plant lotus in my garden. I observed the lotus ecology all the year round,and sketched the lotus on the spot in the morning to observe the light and shadow changes on the lotus flowers: from small sprouts to rolled leaves, and stretched the piece of lotus skirt, the small flower buds appeared. During this period, the bees are attracted and the butterflies are flying on the flowers. Sometimes, when it rains, the flowers are swaying in the wind and rain, and even the petals are gently falling with the wind The ecology of nature is beautiful and amazing. I feel One flower is one world. I have ever read a poem:" At the wild ferryboat dock, swallows are shuttling through the willow rain.In the fragrant pond, fishes are swimming and playing with the lotus wind."I am deeply touched by the poetic scenery .Therefore, I use "Fragrant Pond and Lotus Wind "as the theme of my thesis in order to study the art about the lotus and make a statement of it. The structure of this thesis if divided into five chapters, and the content structure is as follows: The first chapter introduces the research motivation and purpose, The research method of creation, the scope and limitations of research, the definition of nouns, the research structure and steps. The second chapter explains the creative concept, expounds the creative concept and the evolution of the context, and the lotus flower of the famous masters contains East and West photography and works. The third chapter combines the creation of lotus flowers, the aesthetic relationship between calligraphy and lotus, the aesthetic relationship between poetry and lotus. The fourth chapter is personal creation and analysis of works, description of creative ideas, and personal creation styles. The fifth chapter conclusions and suggestions are the researchers ’thoughts and self-expectations in the creation.en_US
dc.subjectThe pond filled with the fragrance of the lotusesen_US
dc.titleThe pond filled with the fragrance of the lotuses-Discourse by Cheng Chian-Hoen_US


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