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Feng- Ying Lai
Hung-Jen Tan

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Department of Geography, NTNU


2010 年,臺灣各地陸續出現農民市集,例如:臺北的248 農學市集、宜蘭大宅院友善市集、畫中興大有機農夫市集、合樸農學市集、高雄微風市集等。「農民市集」的特點在於農民將自己生產的農(副)產品由產地運到市場直接銷售給消費者,這種模式在歐美發展已久,在薑灣卻是近年興起的特殊現象。過去從地理學角度來看市場,著重於實實地點和交換功能的討論,卻欠缺討論市場代表的社會意義。本文從行動者網絡理論的觀點來釐清市集的形成過程,並選定畫中合樸農學市集作為個案研究,在2010 年8 月到2011 年3 月期間以參與觀察與訪談方式進行田野調查。本研究發現每個市集都有其明顯的在地性格,管理組織的領導與定位是形成風格的主因。合樸農民市集以管理組織作為中介與代言,將關心食物品質的消費者、友善環境的生產者聚集在一起,形成有別於傳統通路的另類農糧網絡。此網絡透過不間斷的互動作為關係連結,成功進行轉譯,使得網絡上的行動者漸漸穩定,同時企圖在主流市場之外建立一完整的產銷通路。
There have been more and more farmers' markets in Taiwan recently, such as 248 farmers' market in Taipei, NCHU Organic Farmers' Market in Taichung, Hope Farmers' market in Taichung and Breeze Market in Kaohsiung, etc. One of the obvious features of farmers' markets is that farmers sell their goods directly to consumers. This phenomenon is quite common in the U.S. and European countries but it had not emerged in Taiwan until very recently In the past, location and function were the In major concerns for market study in Geography. Little attention has been paid to the exploration of social meaning of market. The paper sees market as a social network. As a result, the paper used Actor-network Theory for analyzing how farmers' market was formed and sustained and then selected Hope Farmers' market to do case study research. The fieldwork had been carried out by participant observation and interview fromAugust, 2010 to March, 2011 The findings of the paper are as follows. First, each farmers' market has its own traits. Second, leadership makes Hope farmer' market successful and distinguished from other farmers' markets. Third, Hope farmer' market succeeds in attracting those producers and consumers who are mainly concerned with food quality and forms an alternative agro-food network, as a result. Fourth, in the ANT's terms, it is the continuous translations that build up this market network as an alternative agro-food network.



