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本研究旨在探討長期照護家庭國中生與一般家庭國中生生活壓力、韌力及生活適應之關係,以台南市的3所國中及3所居家服務機構共267名國中生為研究對象。本研究使用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,並以「壓力知覺量表」、「韌力量表」及「生活適應量表」為研究工具,調查所得之資料則透過平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森基差相關分析及階層迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處裡。茲將研究結果歸納如下: 一、 國中生年生活壓力並無特別嚴重的情況;一般家庭國中生較家有長期照顧成員國中生感受到較高的生活壓力。 二、國中生韌力的表現介於中上及中度之間;一般家庭國中生與家有長期照顧成員國中生的韌力並未有顯著差異。 三、國中生在生活適應的表現尚良好;一般家庭國中生的生活適應優於長期照 護家庭國中生。 四、一般家庭國中生中,女生比男生感受較高的生活壓力;長期照護家庭國中生中,低社經地位與覺得家中長期照護成員很麻煩之國中生有較高的生活壓力。 五、一般家庭國中生個人因子韌力表現會因排行順序的不同而有顯著差異;長期 照護家庭之國中生於個人因子、社群因子及整體韌力表現會因排行順序的不同而有顯著差異;一般家庭國中生於個人因子及整體韌力表現上,會因社經地位的不同而有顯著差異;長期照護家庭之國中生於個人因子、家庭因子及整體韌力表現上,會因社經地位的不同而有顯著差異;長期照護家庭國中生於「個人因子」、「家庭因子」或「社群因子」的韌力會因對家中長期照護成員態度的不同而有顯著差異。 六、一般家庭九年級國中生於家庭適應與整體生活適應上佳於八年級青少年;一 般家庭國中生於個人適應上會因排行順序的不同而有顯著差異;長期照護家庭之青少年於個人適應、家庭適應及整體生活適應上會因排行順序的不同而有顯著差異;長期照護家庭之青少年於個人適應層面上會因社經地位的不同而有顯著差異;長期照護家庭之青少年於個人適應、家庭適應及整體生活適應會因對家中長期照護成員的態度的不同而有顯著差異。 七、國中生的生活壓力與生活適應呈現負相關,韌力與生活適應則有顯著正相關。 八、階層迴歸分析發現,不管是一般家庭國中生或家有長期照護成員國中生,皆只有生活壓力及韌力之家庭因子對生活適應有良好的預測力。 本研究依據以上的研究結果,針對家長、教師、社政單位與社會福利長期照護機構及及未來研究分別提出具體建議。
The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships of life pressure、resilience and and life adjustments between long-term-care family and the general junior high school students. The survey data were collected from 267 students in 3 junior high school and 3 home care institutes in Tainan County. This study use survey questionnaire via「perceived stress scale」、「resilience scale」and 「life adjustments scale」to collect data;study applied statistical methods, such as mean, standard deviation,T-test ,one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression to analyze data. The findings were as follow: 1. Junior high students’ life pressure as a whole was not servere;the general junior high school students perceived higher f life pressure. 2. Junior high students’ resilience as a whole was between the average and above the average; There were no significant differences in different family situation students’ resilience. 3. Junior high students’ life adjustments as a whole were the average. the general junior high school students life adjustments better than long-term-care family students. 4. There were significant differences in the general junior high school students’ life pressure in relation to the gender variable. There were significant differences in long-term-care family students’ life pressure in relation to the social economic status and attitude variables. 5. There were significant differences in the general junior high school students’ Personal resilience in relation to birth order variable. There were significant differences in long-term-care family students’ Personal、socail and whol resilience in relation to birth order variable. There were significant differences in long-term-care family students’ Personal resilience in relation to social economic status variable. There were significant differences in long-term-care family students’ Personal resilience in relation to attitude to long-term-care variable. 6. The nine grade general junior high school students’family and whole life adjustments were better than the eight grade general junior high school students. There were significant differences in the general junior high school students’ Personal life adjustments in relation to birth order variable. There were significant differences in long-term-care family students’ indivisual 、family and whole life adjustments in relation to birth order variable. There were significant differences in long-term-care family students’ indivisual 、family and whole life adjustments in relation to social economic status variable. There were significant differences in students’ Personal、family and whole life adjustments in relation to attitude to long-term-care variable. 7. There were significant correlation between life pressure、resilience and and life adjustments. 8. Life adjustments were predicted significantly by life pressure and family resilience.



國中生, 生活壓力, 韌力, 生活適應





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