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衡諸中國近代歷史,在影響最為深遠的人物之中,其中包括孫中山先生與毛澤東兩人。毛澤東身為中華人民共和國之創建者,在中國近代發展中,受孫中山先生國民革命之影響,在外交的言論中,經常強調維護國家主權及領土之完整性,並把廢除不平等條約作為新中國外交上之首要工作。 自1949年中華人民共和國建政以來,毛澤東一直是中國共產黨的主要領導人,他具有超凡魅力的性質。他身為中國的領導人,領導著中國外交政策的方向,具有舉足輕重的地位。對毛澤東外交言論的分析,可以瞭解到中國外交政策的形成,甚至毛澤東的外交思想,是對中國外交政策核心具有指導的作用,更是後毛澤東時代,中國領導人外交政策的決策過程中的「方針」或「指引」。 在這樣的基礎上,分析毛澤東外交言論之話語,進而建構出毛澤東外交思想,應該可以清晰瞭解中國外交政策的核心價值,藉此更容易明瞭中國未來外交政策上的目標。 話語形構源於西方學者傅柯(Michel Foucault)。話語一詞原指談話時,說話者將其理念或訊息以一可以辨認而又組織完整的方式,傳送給一聽者的過程。而傅柯認為話語泛指人類社會中,所有知識訊息之有形或無形的傳遞現象。這些話語互相推衍連結,形成一個可以辨認的「話語形構」(Discursive Formation)。在此一話語形構下,所有知識之獲取及思維行動之方式都有一定軌跡可尋,而由此產生的一個特殊的文化及認知體系,就形成一種「知識領域」。 從1949年中共建政以來,毛澤東在領導層中的絕對權威一直是穩固的,他的同事一貫將他看做有最後決定權的人,而他們也表明對這位最高領袖的服從,因此毛澤東可謂是身為最高領導政治中至高無上、無人堪與匹敵的軸心。而毛澤東在外交言論所顯現的就是中共外交政策方向重要依據及參考。 經由對毛澤東在各個時期對外言論的話語分析,可以清楚瞭解到毛澤東藉由話語的傳送,形成了一種特殊的認知體系,即毛澤東外交思想。他的思想受到各時期所處環境的影響,是一種基於對中國革命實踐過程中與客觀環境的能動的一種反映。也就是說,是一種不斷實踐與修正的過程,如此構成了他的外交思想。
In modern history of China, both of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Mao Zedong have a far-reaching impact on China. Mao Zedong as founder of PRC affected by Dr. Sun Yat-sen who leads a national and democratic revolution against imperialism and feudalism and always emphasizes national sovereignty and territorial integrity in his diplomatic speeches. To abolish unequal treaties also is primary work for China 's diplomacy in the new era. The founding of the new China by The Communist Party of China since 1949, Mao Zedong's absolute authority in the leadership has always been stabilized. His colleagues in the persistent pursuit of taking him as the final decision person and they indicate the obedience to the supreme leader. Therefore, Mao Zedong can be described as the supreme leadership of the political supreme axis where no one can challenge him. Mao Zedong's diplomatic speech is the "guide" or "policy" of the new China’s foreign policy. Through the discourse analysis of Mao Zedong’s foreign speech at various times, we can clearly understand the transmission of words formed a special cognitive system. The cognitive system calls Mao Zedong's diplomatic thought. His thoughts are influenced in each period by the environment. It is a reflection which is based on the process of Chinese revolution and objective environment. In other words, Mao Zedong's diplomatic thought Is a constant practice and revision process. This constitutes his diplomatic thought.



外交, 外交思想, 外交政策, 毛澤東外交思想, diplomatic, diplomatic thought, foreign policy, Mao Zedong's diplomatic thought

