
dc.contributorLiu, Chien-Chengen_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Shih-Hanen_US
dc.description.abstract《詩經》為中國第一部詩歌總集,記載當代人們生活概況、風土民情。為喚起人與自然之連結,分析《詩經》文體及圖像領域的發展脈絡:詩歌有抒發內心情感的功能,因此創作時使用賦、比、興三種抒發內心情感之譬喻體裁,而單重線風格源於西洋書法帶有裝飾性特色,其裝飾性強、可將創作主體敘事化之表現風格與《詩經》體裁之譬喻手法具異曲同工之妙。所以,本研究試圖探索單重線風格之特徵,與其應用在古典美學的融合的可能性,並以月曆為載體,建構單重線表現風格的《詩經》月曆設計創作模式,並結合古人面對季節轉變的智慧與現代人對月曆的使用需求。在研究方法部分,使用文獻分析法及案例研究法,彙整出單重線風格、《詩經》以及月曆的相關文獻中可表徵的概念,並透過案例研究分析取樣自 Bēhance及Dribbble於排序最受讚賞的單重線風格作品,並將樣本進行圖像風格、創作元素及色彩之表格分析比較。分析顯示:6名插畫家使用對稱構圖,其中有5名使用左右對稱軸心之構圖;創作元素共6 名插畫家在意境表達上運用植物、動物及昆蟲等自然元素表現其內涵、4名插畫家融入幾何圖案,其中有3名皆為將自然元素幾何化;色彩上6名插畫家運用單色色系創作,並另外融入一種輔助色彩。 據此以月曆為載體進行創作實證,共十三張作品,傳遞古今交融的文化意象與表現詩篇中流轉的情意與感動。經由創作研究後歸納出三點結論:一、單重線風格的敘事特性能表現《詩經》賦、比、興體裁之表現特徵;二、單重線風格富有創作彈性,能融合不同風格形式進行創作;三、《詩經》重視自然萬物與人類的連結,能喚起品味歲時之美的感動。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Classic of Poetry is the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry, which records the voice of the common people and the local traditions and customs of the time. With an aim to encouraging the connection of humans and nature, this thesis analyzes the genres and imagery of the Classic of Poetry, hoping to explore how emotions are expressed through the poetic voices. To achieve this, the study draws an analogy between poetry and the monoline style in Western calligraphy. In the Classic of Poetry, three major literary devices—straightforward narrative (fu), explicit comparison (bi), and implied comparison (xing)—are employed to narrate emotions. Likewise, in calligraphy, the decorative monoline style is also capable of serving as a device to narrate subject matters. Based on the similarity of the two narration devices, this research investigates the characteristics of the monoline style, seeking to explore the possibility of incorporating it with classical aesthetics. The goal is to design a monoline-style calendar that presents excerpts from the Classic of Poetry and their motifs. The calendar is also meant to reflect the wisdom that our ancestors displayed in the face of seasonal changes, and in the meanwhile, be suited to the need of a contemporary calendar user. This research used document analysis and case study to examine the monoline style, the Classic of Poetry, and the calendar, as well as the concepts they embody. For the case study, samples of the best-liked monoline works were selected from social media platforms including Bēhance and Dribbble. Then, tabular analyses of the styles, elements, and colors of the sample works were performed, which yielded outcomes as follows. First, there were a total of six illustrators who employed a symmetrical composition in their works, five of whom used a horizontally-symmetrical composition. In terms of the elements used in the images, six illustrators used elements from nature, such as plants, animals, and insects; four illustrators included geometric shapes in their images, three of whom geometrized nature elements. As for the color of the sample images, six of them were monochrome, supported by an auxiliary color. Based on the results of the research, a total of thirteen works, incorporating ancient and contemporary cultural imagery while presenting motifs from the Classic of Poetry, were created for the calendar. This creation formulated three conclusions. Firstly, with its narrative potential, the monoline style is proven to be able to present the three major literary devices—fu, bi, and xing—used in the Classic of Poetry. Secondly, the monoline style is flexible and can be adapted for different artistic styles or formats. Lastly, since the Classic of Poetry promotes the connection of nature and humans, it draws people closer to nature while they savor the seasonal changes.en_US
dc.subjectmonoline arten_US
dc.subjectClassic of Poetryen_US
dc.subjectcalendar designen_US
dc.titleCreation design of calendar with season imagery in the Book of Poems by Monoline arten_US

