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本研究應用美國學術與研究圖書館協會所訂定高等教育學生資訊素養競爭力標準量表為基礎,透過文獻探討,專家效度以及統計之項目分析及因素分析後,發展資訊素養的構面如下:分析、評估、整合、管理、確認、溝通、存取共七個構面。 本研究於南部某軍事院校做全面性的資訊素養與批判思考問卷調查,共對全校學生發出512份問卷,回收456 (89.06%)份有效問卷。所得到的實證發現結論如下:1. 大學一年級比二、三年級學生有更高的資訊素養。2. 土木系的學生在所有科系中擁有較高資訊素養。3. 當學生覺得自己沒有批判思考能力時,他們的資訊素養分數是偏低的。4. 不同年級不會對批判素養造成影響。5. 機械系學生擁有較高的批判思考。6. 資訊素養與批判思考間有顯著相關。包括:(1) 資訊素養的分析和溝通構面能夠預測電機系學生的批判思考。(2) 批判思考中的辯證假設和歸納能力能夠預測機械系學生的資訊素養能力。(3) 批判思考中的演繹能力能夠預測土木系學生的資訊素養能力。
The purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive information literacy instrument based on the Association of College and Research Libraries, ACRL (2000) Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education examined seven factors, including analysis, evaluation, integration, management, identification, communication, and access of information literacy have connection with critical thinking. The information literacy and critical thinking instruments were administered to 456 (89.06%) university students within 512 samples in a military university southern of Taiwan. With the unique traits of the samples, this study effort has empirically studied. First, the freshmen have better information literacy than sophomore and junior. Second, the students of Department of Civil Engineering have better information literacy. Third, the students who feel themselves with no critical thinking have the lowest score of information literacy. Forth, the different grade level did not influence students’ critical thinking. Fifth, students in Department of Mechanical Engineering have better critical thinking. Sixth, there is relationship between information literacy and critical thinking on different department as following. (a) The analysis and access concepts can predict the total score of critical thinking in Department of Mechanical Engineering. (b) The assumption identification and induction can predict the total score of information literacy in Department of Mechanical Engineering. (c) The deduction can predict the total score of information literacy in Department of Civil Engineering.



美國學術與研究圖書館協會, 資訊素養, 批判思考力, Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), information literacy, critical thinking





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