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隱喻常見於各式語言媒介中,然而,當詞義已非本義時,對華語學習者而言,難度相對較高(邢志群,2011)。若論及產出這樣的語言表現方式,其難度則更高。為了幫助中高級華語學習者更精確理解相關延伸詞彙,本文旨在探討華語經濟新聞中,溫度相關多義詞的使用現象,以及這些溫度相關詞如何透過隱喻,表達多義;並以此研究結果參照華語學習者的需求與意見,編寫相關的教學內容應用。 本文採語料庫(Deignan,2005;Semino,2008)、MIP(Pragglejaz Group,2007)和MPA(Stefanowitsch,2006)的分析方法,以2012至2014年間的華語經濟新聞為例,探討其中的高頻溫度詞-冰、冷、寒、涼、溫、暖、熱、燙,所組成之溫度相關詞本義與延伸義的關係。研究結果得出華語經濟新聞中,在「氣氛」、「數量」、「普及度」、「關係」、「態度」與「力量」等概念中,都較常以溫度相關詞來隱喻表示,進而形成溫度相關詞彙的多義延伸。 另一方面,根據本文的調查結果,華語學習者以及華語教師普遍都使用過概念隱喻的學習策略與詞彙釋義方式;而大部分的學習者也認為使用本義與延伸義的比較方式對於其在記憶、精確使用詞彙等方面有具體幫助,此與前人(Csábi,2004;孫毅,2013)的看法相合。因此,本文認為教師在進行詞彙教學的階段時,最好能以已知建構未知-用本義和延伸義的比較(即概念隱喻)來解釋詞彙的新詞義,方能對學生的詞彙學習更有幫助。
Metaphor exists in many language forms. However, when the meaning of a word is not in literal sense, its difficulty will be higher for Mandarin learner(邢志群, 2011). As for expressing with extending meaning, the difficulty will be much higher. To help students of high-intermediate level of Mandarin to understand related words in extending meaning, this study aimed to research temperature-related polysemy in Mandarin economic news and how do they express one more meanings by metaphor. We combined the result of the research and Mandarin learner survey to generate related material pedagogical applications. We took economic news from 2012 to 2014 as an example, and used corpus-based approach, corpus-driven approach(Deignan, 2005; Semino, 2008), MIP(Pragglejaz, 2007) and MPA(Stefanowitsch, 2006) to analyze the relation between literal and extending senses of temperature-related words which consist of bing冰, leng冷, han寒, liang涼, wen溫, nuan暖, re熱 or tang燙. According to the results of analysis, there are six domains that can be described by temperature-related words through metaphor; they are “atmosphere”, “amount”, “popularity”, “relationship”, “attitude” and “strength”. On the other hand, based on the investigation, most of the Mandarin learners had ever used metaphor as a learning strategy and most of the Mandarin teachers had ever used metaphor to explain extending meaning of a words as well. Furthermore, most of the Mandarin learners of the current study think it is helpful for them to memorize word and use word more accurately. This result is corresponding to previous researches(Csábi, 2004;孫毅, 2013). Based on the above results, we suggest that Mandarin teachers use metaphors to explain new meaning of a word, which is like the idea of using known knowledge to learn new knowledge. In this way, it would be more helpful for student to learn vocabulary.



溫度相關多義詞, 概念隱喻, 概念整合, 詞彙教學, 華語經濟新聞, Temperature-related polysemy, Conceptual Metaphor, Conceptual Blending, Teaching vocabulary, Mandarin economic news

