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現階段的圖書出版業因面對數位化和網路化時代的科技急遽變遷,除了須不斷改革或重整組織本身的發展策略外,更應讓員工了解營運績效對組織之重要性,且應建構並有效運用適當的員工績效評估制度,以確保組織營運績效的達成和奠定組織競爭力的基礎。 研究過程係採用專家訪談法,進行研究資料的蒐集,並參考行政院新聞局所出版的《中華民國96年圖書出版及行銷通路業經營概況調查》一書中所列《誠品報告2006》上榜書總銷售量之圖書出版社與2006年金石堂出版社銷售量排名內的企業,作為訪談企業的主要選取依據,且輔以於圖書出版相關科系服務且具實務經驗之學者訪談。 經分析歸納後得出四項重要結論:1.規畫方面:員工績效評估目的主要在檢視目標完成率;員工績效評估制度的時間與頻度,概為一年一次與一年兩次。2.執行方面:執行評估的人員可分為三層;執行模式並不一致;執行後對員工產生的影響,可分為八項。3.結果方面:其員工績效評估結果的後續處理結果運用動作,可整理為七項。4.效益方面:其執行過程之評價,則可歸納為八項。本研究研擬出多項建議,將提供相關業者作為永續發展實務之參考,並可供後續研究參考。 關鍵詞:圖書出版業、員工績效評估、績效評估
Based on the needs for facing the high speed change of digital and network age, the publishing industry has not only to continuously reform and adjust the organizational strategies but also ought to make employees realized the importance of their performance for organization, and should build proper performance assessment system for encouraging and assuring the employee achievement and organizational competitive advantage. The expert-interview was adopted for collecting the required data during the study process. And based on the report of "2007 Taiwan Publishers Marketing Survey," printed by Government Information Office, Republic of China (Taiwan), there were some companies of publishing industry selected as interview targets which were list on the top billboard of "Eslite Report 2006" and Kingstone billboard of book sale in 2006. And there were three scholars interviewed, who are working in the university and have relevant experience of the publishing industry. Finally, four important conclusions of the study were list as followings: 1. Assessment planning: The main purpose of employees’ performance appraisal is to check the achievement situation of their work. And the most frequency of employees’ performance appraisal are once and twice in a year. 2. Appraisal implementation: There are three levels of performance appraisal administer. The appraisal model is different within different companies; after the execution, it mainly caused eight parts of influence to employees. 3. Appraisal result: The reaction that based on the result of employees’ performance appraisal included seven parts. 4. Appraisal effects: There were eight parts of effects of employees’ performance appraisal. The research will share and offer conclusions and suggestions to related companies and researchers for promoting the practices and the further researches. Keywords: Publishing, Employees’ Performance Appraisal, Performance Appraisal



圖書出版業, 員工績效評估, 績效評估, Publishing, Employees’ Performance Appraisal, Performance Appraisal





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