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在網路技術的發展與普及之下,使用網路地圖服務變得極為便利,各種適地性服務(Location-based Service, LBS)也應運而生。臺灣的應用程式開發商或一般使用者,多半採用Google公司所提供的Google Maps,而北美的專案開發商則習慣採用Microsoft公司所提供的Bing Maps。另一種網路地圖服務則是以協同製圖(Collaborative Mapping)為概念,結合眾人之力共同打造Wiki-style的開放街圖(OpenStreetMap, OSM)。除了商業公司與群眾繪製的消費級地圖,政府也因應開放資料的潮流提供部分專業級地圖,如:內政部國土測繪中心即整合所轄多元圖資,依循OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium)的WMS(Web Map Service)及WMTS(Web Map Tile Service)標準,透過網路發布高精度的專業級圖資。然而一般使用者對於這些圖資較為陌生,對網路地圖的服務標準亦不熟悉,因此本研究透過Drupal內容管理系統(Content Management System, CMS)的OpenLayers模組介接專業級圖資,同時搭配內部已含的消費級圖資,以增加模組圖資的豐富程度。並根據使用者以往使用網誌的經驗,透過新增文章的方式使用多元圖資,不需要去了解各個圖資身在何方,即可直接透過選單的方式選擇使用。同時擴充點、線、面繪製及多媒體上傳功能,以突破一般網誌服務僅提供點位標註的限制。使用者在同一網站即可依自身需求、區域特性、主題目標,自由選擇最適合的圖資。且無論使用者是否具備地圖知識,也不論其空間資訊技術程度,皆能毫無差別地使用此地圖整合平台,快速建立含有地圖的主題頁面。
With the rapid development and popularization of Internet technologies, the utilization of web map service (WMS) becomes more and more convenient. Web maps are widely used or mashup as location-based service (LBS) in versatile applications. Most application developers and map users in Taiwan use Google Maps, while others in North America tend to use Microsoft Bing Maps. Based on the collaborative mapping concept, OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a different kind of web map service from above. But both kinds of map are classified as consumer-level maps. The National Land Survey Center (NLSC) provides a number of high-accuracy maps through OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) WMS and WMTS standards. This makes professional-level maps available to the common users. Although WMS and WMTS provide a way to integrate maps into one’s web, it is still difficult for common users who are not familiar with computer language. In this study, a content management system (CMS) called Drupal is introduced to integrate both the consumer-level and professional-level map services by its OpenLayers module. Users now can simply select most suitable map while adding article to their blog, without knowing any computer language or cartographic knowledge. This study also put its emphasis on the accuracy and richness of the versatile data sources. Several points are selected and positioned by the e-GNSS system. Theircoordinates are also measured on the NLSC general ortho images, Bing satellite images, Google satellite images, UAV ortho images. The comparison of the coordinates between e-GNSS and each data source can be taken as an index of the mapping accuracy. In spite of the accuracy, the richness of each data source is also evaluated in this study. User testing and surveys are executed in order to understand the usability of the map integration platform. The results of the usability questionnaires show no difference on users’ background. The users’ feedback in the design of the platform are divergent. It is necessary to categorize users into several groups at the portal so the platform can provide different views and functions. There is also a high demand in providing social connection function, so they can co-edit or share the map article with their friends.
With the rapid development and popularization of Internet technologies, the utilization of web map service (WMS) becomes more and more convenient. Web maps are widely used or mashup as location-based service (LBS) in versatile applications. Most application developers and map users in Taiwan use Google Maps, while others in North America tend to use Microsoft Bing Maps. Based on the collaborative mapping concept, OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a different kind of web map service from above. But both kinds of map are classified as consumer-level maps. The National Land Survey Center (NLSC) provides a number of high-accuracy maps through OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) WMS and WMTS standards. This makes professional-level maps available to the common users. Although WMS and WMTS provide a way to integrate maps into one’s web, it is still difficult for common users who are not familiar with computer language. In this study, a content management system (CMS) called Drupal is introduced to integrate both the consumer-level and professional-level map services by its OpenLayers module. Users now can simply select most suitable map while adding article to their blog, without knowing any computer language or cartographic knowledge. This study also put its emphasis on the accuracy and richness of the versatile data sources. Several points are selected and positioned by the e-GNSS system. Theircoordinates are also measured on the NLSC general ortho images, Bing satellite images, Google satellite images, UAV ortho images. The comparison of the coordinates between e-GNSS and each data source can be taken as an index of the mapping accuracy. In spite of the accuracy, the richness of each data source is also evaluated in this study. User testing and surveys are executed in order to understand the usability of the map integration platform. The results of the usability questionnaires show no difference on users’ background. The users’ feedback in the design of the platform are divergent. It is necessary to categorize users into several groups at the portal so the platform can provide different views and functions. There is also a high demand in providing social connection function, so they can co-edit or share the map article with their friends.
網路地圖服務, 內容管理系統, 國土測繪圖資, Drupal, OpenLayers, Web Map Service (WMS), Content Management System (CMS), National Land Survey Center (NLSC) Maps, Drupal, OpenLayers