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論文摘要: 目前國內各地方政府財政普遍均面臨赤字窘境,因地方政府在財政自主權相對低落於中央政府,且必須負擔施行中央政策所帶來的支出,而面對財政日益惡化之狀況,大部份的地方政府除了舉債之外,就是期盼中央政府的統籌分配款。養成地方政府依賴心理,於此情況,地方政府不但無法成為公共利益的守護者,更遑論成為新管理主義中具效能、效率、顧客導向的企業型政府。 本研究藉屏東縣政府舉辦屏東縣黑鮪魚文化觀光季之經驗,以公私協力治理理論為基礎,分析公私協力治理理論意涵、公私部門特性、其發展背景與形成因素。更進一步討論公私協力治理實務運用的起源、國內公私協力治理的發展,與公私協力治理成功因素與可能之困境。其後,再以國內其他地方節慶活動的舉辦經驗補充單一個案之片面性。最後對屏東縣黑鮪魚文化觀光季公私協力現況、公私協力過程中所面臨之困境、及各種可能參與公共事務的模式,做探討研究。 本研究以文獻分析對公私協力相關理論做探討,建立理論基礎。再以深度訪談公私部門,對所得資料進行歸納分析,以更貼近個案原貌。本文重點在於地方政府如何運用公私部門協力治理模式發展地方文化產業,並進而拓展財源與增加私部門參與。藉由此研究期能對我國運用公私部門協力治理發展文化產業,提出未來公共政策之規劃與執行之政策建議。 【關鍵詞】:公私協力、地方政府、地方文化產業、屏東縣黑鮪魚文化觀光季
Abstract: Presently,the local government was confronted by the financial deficit.Because the financial independence of local government is lower than cenral government comparatively.and it also has to afford expense of central’s policy.To face that worse financial situation,the majority of local government expected Funds Allocated from central government,or taking a debt.It’s all makes the local government become dependent easily, so the local government is not only can’t be a guard of public welfare,but also be efficient, mercantile, entrepreneurial government as the New Managerialism said. This thesis is based on Public-Private Collaborative Governance theory, and the Bluefin Tuna Cultural Festival in Ping-Tung as a model to analyse the meaning of Public-Private Collaborative Governance theory, characteristic of Public and Private, the reason and background of Public-Private Collaborative Governance. And futher, discussing the source of Public-Private Collaborative Governance, application of Public-Private Collaborative Governance, the keypoint and dilemma of Public-Private Collaborative Governance. And then, examining the experiences of the other cultural festivals in Taiwan to replenish with insuffience of this thesis. Last this thesis will reseach on the current situation of Bluefin Tuna Cultural Festival in Ping-Tung county, dilemma of Public-Private Collaborative governance and some kind of model of participating public affair. For building theory base, this thesis does research on relative theory of Public-Private Collaborative Governance by literature review. And making in-depth interview with Public and Private.After collect and analyse the material from in-depth interview.This thesis emphasize the local government develops cultural industry by model of Public-Private Collaborative Governance, moreover, to expand fund and to increase privates participate public affair.This thesis expect to propose the plan and implement of policy about developing cultural industry by Public-Private Collaborative Governance in furture. 【Keywords】:Public-Private Collaborative Governance, Local Government, Cultural Industry, Bluefin Tuna Cultural Festival in Ping-Tung County.



公私協力, 地方政府, 地方文化產業, 屏東縣黑鮪魚文化觀光季, Public-Private Collaborative Governance, Local Government, Cultural Industry, Bluefin Tuna Cultural Festival in Ping-Tung County





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