

本研究旨在透過問卷的調查,瞭解台北縣市公立幼稚園園長工作的狀況及專業知能的需求情形,並進一步瞭解公幼園長工作狀況與專業知能需求之間的關係,以及工作狀況、專業知能需求與公幼園長的年齡、學歷、行政連續年資、行政經驗、幼稚園規模與幼稚園所在地區之間的關係。 本研究以台北縣市170名公幼園長為研究樣本,研究工具為「台北縣市公立幼稚園園長(主任)專業知能需求問卷」,本研究主要之研究結果如下: 一、公幼園長目前工作的狀況: (一)公幼園長花最多時間在「領導與課程」工作上,其次是「人事與行政管理」及「公共關係」之工作。 (二)公幼園長關心最多的是「領導與課程」工作,其次是「公共關係」及「人事與行政管理」之工作。 二、公幼園長最需要進修的是「領導與課程」工作類別之專業知能,其次是「公共關係」及「人事與行政管理」之專業知能。 三、公幼園長工作狀況與專業知能需求之間的關係: (一)公幼園長在「領導與課程」、「人事與行政管理」及「公共關係」工作類別上花費時間、關心程度與專業知能需求,兩兩之間都存在顯著之正相關(p均小於.01),顯示園長在工作類別上花時間多者,關心程度也高,知能需求也高;反之亦然。 (二)在「領導與課程」、「人事與行政管理」及「公共關係」專業知能的需求都受到「花費時間」、「關心程度」與「行政連續年資1-2年者」的影響,在「領導與課程」及「公共關係」工作類別花費的時間越多、關心的程度越高、行政連續年資1-2年者,其專業知能的需求越高;其中花費時間的影響力最大。在「人事與行政管理」上,花費的時間及關心程度具有同樣的影響力,都大於行政連續年資1-2年。 四、公幼園長工作狀況、專業知能需求與園長背景因素(如年齡、學歷、行政連續年資、行政經驗、幼稚園規模與幼稚園所在地區)之間的關係: (一)公幼園長背景變項中之年齡、學歷、幼稚園規模與所在縣市,對於「領導與課程」,「人事與行政管理」及「公共關係」類別工作上所花的時間、關心的程度及專業知能需求並無影響。 (二)但具有行政經驗者,特別是具有公立及私立行政經驗者在「公共關係」上花費的時間,明顯多無行政經驗者。而行政連續年資1-2年者,在「領導與課程」及「人事與行政管理」類別上,需求比行政連續年資2年以上者更多之專業知能。 根據本研究之發現,提出對公幼園長、教育當局及未來研究之建議。
Through questionnaire survey, the purpose of this research are (1)to find the working status and the needs of professional competence of public preschool directors in Taipei County and Taipei City, (2)to examine the relationship between working status and the needs of professional competence, (3)to examine the relationships among working status, the needs of professional competence, director’s age, academic background, administrative experience, preschool size and location. The research samples are 170 preschool-directors in Taipei County and Taipei City. Questionnaire of “working statuses and the needs of professional competence of public preschool directors in Taipei County and Taipei City” is research tool, the main research outcomes as following below: 1. Public preschool directors’ working statuses: (1)Directors spend most time on “leadership& curriculum”, the next “personnel & administration ” then “ public relation” (2)What these preschool directors’ most concerns are the first “leadership & curriculum”, the next “ public relation” and the last “personnel & administration” 2. What professional competence that these directors need to enhance are first “leadership & curriculum”, the next “public relation” and the last “personnel & administration”. 3. The relationship between working status and the needs of professional competence of public preschool directors: (1)Directors’ time and concern extent and professional competence requirement on “leadership& curriculum”, “ public relation” and “personnel & administration”, any 2 of the 3 are highly positive proportional to each other (p<0.01) .it shows the subject that the more time directors spend, the more the concern extent is and so are professional needs ; and vice versa. (2)The needs of professional competence of “leadership & curriculum”, “personnel & administration” and “ public relation” are all influenced by “ spending time ”, “ concern extent ” and “ continuous 1~2 years administrative seniority”. Those who are spending much time, high concern extent and with continuous 1~2 years administrative seniority have stronger needs of professional competence of “leadership& curriculum” and “ public relation” . In the three factors“ spending time ”, “ concern extent ” and “ continuous 1~2 years administrative seniority”, “ spending time ”is the key factor. As for the “personnel & administration” aspect, “spending time” and “concern extent” are two equally weighted key factors. 4. The relationship between public preschool directors’ working status, the needs of professional competence, and director’s background (ex, age/ continuous administrative seniority/ administrative experience, academic background, preschool size and location): (1)On the aspects of “leadership& curriculum”, “personnel & administration” and “ public relation”, the directors’ spending time, concern extent and the needs of professional needs are independent from those variables in director’s background such as age, academic background, preschool size and location. (2)Those who are rich in administrative experience, especially in both private and public preschools, spend much time on “ public relation” than those who are not administratively experienced. On the needs of professional competence of “leadership& curriculum” and “personnel & administration”, those who have 1~2 years experience in administration have stronger needs than those who are above 2 years experience in administration. According to these research outcomes, some suggestions have been proposed for preschools directors, education administrative authority and study in the future.



公立幼稚園園長, 工作狀況, 專業知能, public preschool director, working statuses, professional competence





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