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本研究希冀透過行動研究歷程,瞭解以案例教學法實施法治教育的限制、困難與解決方法,並根據研究結果提出建議,作為日後以案例教學法進行法治教育之參考。 經由研究歷程,本研究獲致下列結論: 壹、 課程實施方面 一、 利用案例檢核表確認學習單是否具備好案例之要件。 二、 幫助學生將觀點拓展至全新的境界,最後由老師針對討論結果加以補充。 三、 利用學習單、回饋單和訪談的分析來瞭解學生對於案例教學的看法,和在法治教育方面的學習成效。 貳、 解決困難的方法 一、 與其他科的教師進行協同教學或爭取彈性節數的配合。 二、 利用「工作分配表」和「生活札記」。 三、 案例教學總結時,才補充該案例的相關資料。 四、 可以找其他教師一起進行案例的找尋與設計。 五、 案例設計完成之後先請其他同年級的學生閱讀,修改至大部分的學生都能理解為止。 參、 學生的學習和進步 一、 經由分析學習單、回饋單與訪談,研究者認為大多數的學生應能理解現代權利本位的法治理念。 二、 研究者綜合學習單和回饋單的分析之後認為大多數的學生應能理解法律的本質就是在公平的處理眾人之事。 三、 研究者利用觀察與訪談的方式瞭解學生的學習情形,發現學生已漸漸學會以輪流講述理由的方式說服對方。 基於上述研究發現,本研究提出下列建議: 壹、 教學方面的建議 一、 法治教育案例應儘量貼近學生生活,並配合學生程度 二、 利用生活札記和工作分配表 三、 採用多元化的教學方式 四、 與其他教師進行協同教學 五、 案例的主題宜明確、一致 六、 評量方式宜以學習單、回饋單與訪談分析為主 貳、 對後續研究之建議 一、 研發可運用在「班級經營」方面的法治教育案例 二、 針對不同地區、年級和教材內容作進一步的研究 三、 研發新的法治教育案例
Through action research process, the purpose of this research is to find out the restrictions, difficulties and solutions of Law-Related Education, which is implemented by case method. According to the findings, some recommendations were put forward for the reference of Law-Related Education implemented by case method in the future. According to the research process, this study generated the following conclusions: 1. Curriculum implementation (1) Making use of case checklist to confirm whether those cases have the elements of good cases. (2) Teachers help students to develop new ideas, and supplement some information for the outcome of discussion in the end. (3) Making use of the analyses of learning sheets, feedback sheets, and interviews to understand the viewpoints of students for case method, and the learning effectiveness of Law-Related Education. 2. Difficulties of implementation and their solutions (1) Taking team teaching with other sections of teachers or striving for elastic curriculums. (2) Utilizing “assignment sheets”and “journals”. (3) Replenishing the case’s relevant information in the conclusion of the case method teaching. (4) Inviting other teachers to find and design cases together. (5) After the learning sheets were designed, asking other students in the same grade to read the learning sheets, and modify the learning sheets until most students can understand them. 3. Students’ learning and progress (1) The researcher believes that most students should be able to understand the concept of modern Rule of Law by analyzing learning sheets, feedback sheets, and interviews. (2) After integrating the analyses of learning sheets and feedback sheets, the researcher thinks that the majority of students should be able to understand the essence of laws is to handle public affairs fairly. (3) The researcher understood the students’ learning situation by observing and interviewing, and found out that students have gradually learned to take turns to persuade others by telling reasons. Based on the above findings, this study proposes the following suggestions: 1. Suggestions for teaching (1) Law-Related Education cases should be as close as possible to students’ life, and tied in the level of the students. (2) Making use of“journals” and “assignment sheets”. (3) Adopting a diversity of teaching methods. (4) Using team teaching with other teachers. (5) The topics of the cases should be definite, and consistent. (6) Analyzing learning sheets, feedback sheets, and interviews should be the main way of evaluation. 2. Suggestions for future researches (1) Researching and developing Law-Related Education cases which can be used in “class management”. (2) Further studies for different areas, grades and teaching materials. (3) Researching and developing new Law-Related Education cases.



法治教育, 案例教學法, 行動研究, 社會領域, Law-Related Education, case method, action research, social studies

