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中文摘要 本研究旨在探討桃園縣高職技優生與非技優生在學校適應、因應策略與生涯意向上的差異情形,及學校適應、因應策略與生涯意向三者間的關係。本研究採採分層立意抽樣方式,以16所公私立高職一、二年級的技優生及非技優生,共673位學生為研究對象。並以「學校適應量表」、「因應策略量表」及「生涯意向量表」為研究工具進行資料蒐集,所得的資料以描述統計、二因子獨立樣本多變量變異數分析及皮爾遜積差相關分析和多元逐步迴歸等統計方法進行分析,研究結果如下: 一、不同身份(技優生與非技優生)和年級(高一、高二)以及不同身份和學校類別(公立與私立)這兩組變項的高職生在學校適應各分量表上的得分有交互作用存在。而不同性別和家庭期望(升學、就業與無意見)的高職生分別在學校適應上也有顯著差異。 二、不同身份和學校類別這兩個變項的高職生在因應策略上有交互作用存在。而不同性別和年級這兩個變項的高職生分別在因應策略上有顯著差異;不同家庭期望變項的高職生在因應策略上則無顯著差異。 三、不同性別、學校類別和家庭期望這三個變項的高職生分別在生涯意向上有顯著差異;而不同年級變項的高職生在生涯意向上則無顯著差異。 四、高職生的因應策略能有效預測其學校適應。其中再評價之因應策略對同儕關係及師生關係方面的學校適應最具預測力;解決問題之因應策略能同時有效預測高職生在學習方法及學習習慣方面的學校適應;而解決問題之因應策略對學習態度方面的學校適應有最具預測力。 五、高職生的因應策略能有效預測其生涯意向。其中解決問題之因應策略對升學意向最具預測力;逃避問題之因應策略對就業意向最具預測力。 六、高職生的學校適應能有效預測其生涯意向的升學意向,對就業意向則無顯著預測效果。 最後,根據研究結果進行討論,並提出建議,以供教育單位、學校輔導及未來相關研究的參考。
Abstract The purposes of this research were to explore the differences of school adjustment, coping strategies, and career intention of senior vocational school technical-art elite students and non-technical-art elite students with different background variables; and the relationships between of school adjustment, coping strategies, and career intention The participants of this research were 673 first grade and second grade students from 16 senior vocational schools in Taoyuan County. The instruments used in this research includedSchool Adjustment Scale, Coping Strategies Scale, and Career intention Scale. And, the statistical methods used in this research included MANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis.The main results of the study are described as the followings: 1.There were interactions among different identities ( technical-art elite and non-technical-art elite ) and grades(first, second ), different identities and different kinds of school ( public, private ) in the subscales of School Adjustment Scale of senior vocational school students.There were significant differences in different genders and family anticipation ( advanced study, employment, no idea ) in school adjustment. 2.There were interactions among different background variables ( identity, kind of school ) in the subscales of Coping Strategies Scale of senior vocational school students. The senior vocational school students of different background variables ( gender, grade ) showed significant differences in coping strategies. There were no significant differences in different family anticipation in coping strategies. 3.The senior vocational school students of different background variables ( gender, kind of school, family anticipation ) showed significant differences in career intention. There were no significant differences in different grade in career intention. 4.The senior vocational school students’ coping strategies were significant in predicting school adjustment. In addition, restructuring coping was the most dominant factor in predicting peer relations and teacher-student relations in school adjustment;solve-problem coping was a good predictor of both the learning method adjustment and learning habit adjustment;Solve-problem coping was the most dominant factor in predicting the learning attitude adjustment. 5.The senior vocational school students’ coping strategies were significant in predicting career intention. In addition, solve-problem coping was the most dominant factor in predicting the advanced study intention;Avoidance-oriented coping was the most dominant factor in predicting the employment intention. 6.The senior vocational school students’ school adjustment was significant in predicting the advanced study inclination of career intention;School adjustment was not significant in predicting the employment intention. Finally, based on the findings, suggestions for institutions, guidance and future studies were provided.



高職技優生, 學校適應, 因應策略, 生涯意向, senior vocational school technical-art elite student, school adjustment, coping strategies, career intention





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