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本研究旨在探討「身體心理工作者身體經驗與助人專業發展之質性研究」。共邀請六位身體心理工作者接受個別訪談,並將其訪談逐字稿作為資料分析的文本,以質性研究紮根理論進行資料分析。研究結果共有四個部份。 第一部份是「身體心理工作者身體開展之知覺經驗」。包括:身體的開展有著由內而外歷程性的變化、身體的開展很具經驗性,以及經驗的當下,療癒於是產生三大範疇。 第二部份是「身體經驗對身體心理工作者自我的影響與幫助」。包括:身體能力的展延、自我能力的轉變、對自我的解構與建構、用身體實踐自我照顧,以及身心更為健康與賦能。 第三部份是「身體心理工作於專業工作中的應用與挑戰」。專業工作中的應用包括:進行身心療法事前的準備與等待需足夠、身體與身體的交流 - 對案主的認識與理解來自治療師對自己與對案主身體的感知、別忘了你還有身體 - 身體的覺察是身體心理工作之首要、用「身」體會、用「心」感受;放開身體、擁抱關係 - 治療關係的躍進,以及面對特殊議題的案主身心療法有其獨特性。在專業工作中的挑戰與因應包括:專業能力不足的挑戰,隨著不斷地自我精進與提升自我信心來獲得解決、對於身心療法的挑戰,需要透過自身的身體體驗去找到答案、身心療法遭遇定位與專業認同的挑戰,需要治療者更清楚的溝通與傳達,並堅信體驗的重要性、案主接受身心療法意願低落的挑戰,治療者需要更彈性且靈活的將身體帶入治療中、遭遇身心療法適配性的挑戰,並未放棄,轉而另尋他路,以及來自工作場域因素的挑戰,確實難以克服。 第四部份是「身體心理工作者身體經驗與助人專業發展的關係」。包括:身體經驗與專業發展彼此相互牽引,相輔相成、自我、身體與專業工作已相互交融,難分彼此,以及將生命存有的價值展現在身心療法的專業中是一種生命價值的體現三大範疇。 最後,本研究依據研究結果進行研究討論,並對未來研究以及諮商專業提出相關建議。
Based on the Ground theory of qualitative research, 6 invited participants shared their somatic experiences as samples, and enable us to study this issue qualitatively for the first time, The results can be interpreted in 4 aspects. First, body-centered psychotherapist's (BCP) perception of somatic experiences shows an experiential body extension, a progressive change from internal to external within body extension, and therapy raising during experiences. Second, self influences which came from somatic experiences on BCP indicate the body-ability extension, self-ability transformation, self care executed by body and better healthy and empowerment in both body and mind. Third, somatic experiences does bring BCP many applications. It tells us that to have well preparation and sufficient waiting before body-centered psychotherapy, client understanding highly depends on BCP's realization on both self and client's body, body perception must be first priority during body-centered psychotherapy, to experiences by body, and to realize by mind. On the other hand, not only positive self impact result from somatic experiences, but also challenges and associated coping. For example, lack professional ability can be solved by improving ability and raising confidence, body-centered psychotherapy can be answered through somatic experiences, and orientation of professional identification of body-centered psychotherapy requires much more clear explanation and communication. Not easy to have a suitable working environment is a toughest issue. Fourth, the relations between somatic experiences and counselling professional development of BCP turn out that the relation is highly correlated, almost impossible to distinguish self, body and profession, such kind of continuously developing relation makes the value of life exhibit in body-centered psychotherapy, and makes it become an embodiment of self-life value. Finally, based on the findings the researcher provided the concrete suggestions for counselors and related researchers for future study.



身體心理工作者, 身體經驗, 紮根方法, 身心療法的應用, Body-centered psychotherapist, somatic experiences, grounded analysis, applications of body-centered psychotherapy





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