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摘要 本研究旨在分別探討已婚國中教師「家庭壓力」與「家庭-工作干擾」之現況與預測因子,以及二者之關係,並比較兩性教師在各方面的異同。研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為93學年度任教於台灣本島公立國中或高中附設國中部之已婚、最小子女尚未進入高中職就讀之合格正式編制內教師,樣本採分層立意抽樣,回收有效樣本數577份,其中女性402份,男性175份。主要之研究發現如下: 一、 已婚國中教師的家庭壓力程度並不算高。男性已婚國中教師的整體家庭壓力程度,以及親職、婚姻、家務與代間四方面的壓力程度皆顯著低於女性教師。男、女教師較覺得有壓力的家庭壓力源略有差異。 二、 整體而言,已婚國中教師最小子女處於嬰幼兒或學齡前階段、個人花在家務工作的時數越多、擔任家中家務的主要負責人、家中有身心健康狀況不良需長期照顧者,其整體家庭壓力越高,而配偶是否固定協助家務為女性已婚國中教師重要的預測因子。不同家庭子壓力之預測因子不盡相同,且亦因性別而異。最小子女發展階段、是否為家務的主要負責人、以及家人長期身心照顧需求,為貫穿全體教師及女性教師之各家庭壓力類型,較為共通的預測因子。與家務工作有關的變項,不僅能有效預測家務壓力,尚能有效預測代間壓力、婚姻壓力、與親職壓力。此外,對女性已婚國中教師而言,配偶是否固定協助家務亦具有關鍵性的角色;然而,從工作職務、家庭結構、家務負擔、及配偶工作狀況切入探討家庭壓力的預測因子,其效果對於男性已婚國中教師而言並不甚理想。 三、 已婚國中教師普遍都曾在學期當中發生各種「家庭-工作干擾」的情形,但整體而言「家庭-工作干擾」發生的頻率尚不致太高。已婚教師中女性確實較男性更常發生「家庭-工作干擾」的情形。男、女已婚國中教師較常發生的「家庭-工作干擾」項目皆為無法花更多時間在工作上、精力耗竭、與情緒外溢。 四、 整體而言,已婚國中教師的整體家庭壓力、親職壓力、家務壓力越大,最小子女在12歲以下、有其他親屬或僱傭固定協助家務、夫妻分住兩地天數越多者,其「家庭-工作干擾」情形越為頻繁。男、女教師的預測因子不盡相同,男性的預測因子與配偶的工作特性習習相關,而女性的預測因子則與其家庭需求與負擔有關。 最後,依據研究結果,分別針對以已婚國中教師為對象之家庭生活教育、未來研究兩方面提出具體建議。
Abstract This study examined family stress and family-to-work interference experienced by teachers, predictors of both two, and the relationship between them. Additionally, this study put emphasis on gender difference. The data were obtained by questionnaire from a sample of 577 married junior high school teachers who has a child below 15, which includes 175 male and 402 female teachers. Findings reveal that: 1. Family stress perceived by married junior high school teachers was moderate. Total family stress and each four family sub-stress (parenting stress, marital stress, domestic-labor stress, intergenerational stress) perceived by male teachers are significantly lower than female. Family stressors that male teacher and female teachers felt relatively more stressful are a bit different. 2. The stage of youngest child, hours spending on domestic labor, taking most domestic labor responsibility by oneself, and living with someone who need long-term care were significant predictors of total family stress for married teachers. Predictors of different family sub-stress didn’t completely the same, and also different by gender. In general, the stage of youngest child, taking most domestic labor responsibility by oneself, and living with someone who need long-term care were important predictors of each four family sub-stress for entire married teachers sample and female sample. Domestic-labor-related variables not only predicted domestic-labor stress, but also predicted intergenerational stress, marital stress, and parenting stress. Furthermore, the regular assistance in domestic labor by spouse were an important predictor for married female teacher. However, variables examined in this study didn’t have good prediction on male. 3. Most married junior high school teachers do experienced family-to-work interference last semester, but the frequency didn’t vary high. Indeed, female teachers experienced higher family-to-work interference than male. The kinds of family-to-work interference that both male and female teachers frequently experienced are “can’t spend additional time on work”, “feeling drained of energy needed for work”, and “mood spillover.” 4. Total family stress, parenting stress, domestic-labor stress , the stage of youngest child, domestic-labor assistance from kin or hired laborer, and days couple live apart per week were significant predictors of family-to-work interference for married teachers. There are gender differences between the predictors for male and female teachers. Total family stress was the only common predictor for both male and female teachers, whereas spouse-work-related variables was significant predictors for male, and domestic-labor-related variables was significant predictors for female. According the findings, suggestions for school-based family life education provided for teachers to enhance their family life, and for future studies are addressed.



家庭-工作干擾, 家庭壓力, 工作與家庭, 親職壓力, 婚姻壓力, 家務壓力, 代間壓力, family-to-work interference, family stress, work and family, parenting stress, marital stress, domestic-labor stress, intergenerational stress





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