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Department od Education, NTNU


攻擊行為普遍存在於人類社會之中,如果漫無節制,任其氾濫,則人類社會必將走上毀滅的道路。一九七一年,Kovalsky在向聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)所提「攻擊的了解」(Understanding Agtression)一文中,將攻擊行為區分為三類:(一)個人之間的攻擊行為。(二)國內各勢力團體間的攻擊行為。(三)國際間的攻擊行為。事實上,Kovalsky所列的三類行為,尚無法涵概人類攻擊行為的全部;人類與其他動物間的攻擊行為應列為第四類。自古以來,人類或為求生存,或為圖厚利,與各種猛獸間所進行的追殺捕獵行動,迄今不曾中止過。
This study examined whether the aggressive behavior of junior high school students were associated with their frustration experience, aggressive modeling and their control style to aggressive behavior. Five hundred and eighty─two students sampled from junior high schools in Taiwan were investigated in this study. The results of this study were as follows:1. When separately investigating the relationships between every dependent variables and independent variable, we find that all kinds of four frustration experience (physiological frustration, social frustration, family frustration, academic frustration) were significantly related to adolescents’ aggressive behavior. The more frustration experience the adolescents’ had, the more aggressive the adolescents were. When summarily investigating the predicative relationship all dependent variables and independent variable. We find that the adolescents’ academic frustration can’t be significantly used to predicate their aggressive behavior. 2. When separately investigating the relationships between every dependent variables and independent variables, we find that all kinds of three aggressive modeling(father aggressive modeling mother aggressive modeling, television program aggressive modeling) were significantly related to adolescents’ aggressive behavior. The more aggressive modeling the adolescents had, the more aggressive the adolescents were. When summarily investigating the predicative relationship between all dependent variables and independent variable, we find that the father’s aggressive modeling can’t be significantly used to predicate their aggressive behavior. 3. Not only in the relationships between single dependent variables and independent variable, but also in the relationship between all dependent variables and independent variable, the adolescents’ aggressive behavior were significantly related to punishment and guilt. The more punishment the adolescents be treated with, the more aggressive the adolescen


