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尼德蘭王國(俗稱:荷蘭)的官方語言為荷蘭語及Frisian。然而,Frisian使用人口數相當少,不僅被歐盟列為區域或少數語言,同時也受《歐洲區域或少數語言憲章》所保護。處於「弱勢」的 Frisian如何成為第二官方語言; Frisians又是藉由何種管道來達成今日Frisian的地位;以及Frisian語言政策及其發展沿革為何,以上問題皆是本文欲探討的。此外,Fryslân省該地居民、語言和文化、教育之科學中心―Fryske Akademy,也是探討的對象之一。台灣部分,筆者選擇客家族群與之比較,所以台灣客家族群語言政策沿革,以及對客語的推廣、保護、教育等皆為本文欲探討。最後,對比分析兩者語言政策並提出自我觀點,希冀透過荷蘭Frisians語言復振之成功典範,提供台灣語言政策建議,以達到保存及傳承客家語文化,以及台灣多元文化共存等目的。
比較分析兩者語言政策歷史沿革與推廣、教育之文獻,本研究提出兩大點:一、相似處:(1) 統治者為了統一,箝制少數族群語言發展,消弭少數族群主體性;(2) 少數族群自覺反抗國家語言霸權宰制;(3) 少數族群與政府共同參與語言政策制定協商;(4) 設立少數族群之專屬學術研究機構;(5) 致力編輯標準且統一之母語字典。二、相異處:(1) 少數族群語言之平等地位;(2) 強制政府執行成諾,並得呈交書面報告以備審核;(3) 少數語言有無成為教育課程之必修科目。
The official languages in the Netherlands are Dutch and Frisian, the latter being one of the many lesser-known languages of Western Europe. Frisian is protected by the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, which can be easily seen as an example of European commitment to maintain cultural plurality. Exactly how this minority language was able to become the second official language of the Netherlands, as well as how Frisians promoted a Frisian state, are important parts of this study. We also take a look at Fryske Akademy, an enterprising institute carrying out scientific research in the fields of the Frisian language, culture, history and society. However, the core focus of this study compares the development of Frisian language policy to that of Hakka mother language policy in Taiwan, suggesting the former to be a good model for the latter in preserving a multicultural nation. The comparison between the development and content of Frisian and that of Hakka raises two points─similarity and differentiation. Similarities are as the following: First, to force integration within the population, the rulers limits the exposure to minority languages. Second, the minority group in question resists the hegemonic national language. Third, the minority group and the government negotiate a language policy and treaty. Fourth, research institutions promoting the minority group and their cultural development are established. Fifth and lastly comes the compiling of a standard minority language dictionary. Differentiations are as the following: First is the equal status of the minority language with the national language. Second is forcing the government to compose the treaty and then hand over the findings report. Third, the minority language may or may not become a compulsory subject in national education. Analysis of the study's results draws some conclusions. First is how to strive for Hakka language rights. Second is how to awaken the language identity of the Hakka younger generation. Third is how to preserve and pass down the Hakka language and culture through linguistics and technology. The fourth is the importance holding of Hakka traditional dramas. The fifth is how to popularize and support the Hakka cultural creative industry. The sixth and last conclusion is the necessity of fostering professional Hakka teachers.
The official languages in the Netherlands are Dutch and Frisian, the latter being one of the many lesser-known languages of Western Europe. Frisian is protected by the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, which can be easily seen as an example of European commitment to maintain cultural plurality. Exactly how this minority language was able to become the second official language of the Netherlands, as well as how Frisians promoted a Frisian state, are important parts of this study. We also take a look at Fryske Akademy, an enterprising institute carrying out scientific research in the fields of the Frisian language, culture, history and society. However, the core focus of this study compares the development of Frisian language policy to that of Hakka mother language policy in Taiwan, suggesting the former to be a good model for the latter in preserving a multicultural nation. The comparison between the development and content of Frisian and that of Hakka raises two points─similarity and differentiation. Similarities are as the following: First, to force integration within the population, the rulers limits the exposure to minority languages. Second, the minority group in question resists the hegemonic national language. Third, the minority group and the government negotiate a language policy and treaty. Fourth, research institutions promoting the minority group and their cultural development are established. Fifth and lastly comes the compiling of a standard minority language dictionary. Differentiations are as the following: First is the equal status of the minority language with the national language. Second is forcing the government to compose the treaty and then hand over the findings report. Third, the minority language may or may not become a compulsory subject in national education. Analysis of the study's results draws some conclusions. First is how to strive for Hakka language rights. Second is how to awaken the language identity of the Hakka younger generation. Third is how to preserve and pass down the Hakka language and culture through linguistics and technology. The fourth is the importance holding of Hakka traditional dramas. The fifth is how to popularize and support the Hakka cultural creative industry. The sixth and last conclusion is the necessity of fostering professional Hakka teachers.
Frisian, Fryske Akademy, 歐洲區域或少數語言憲章, 客家語, 母語政策, Frisian, Fryske Akademy, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, Hakka, mother language policy