Questioning the Author
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Department of English, NTNU
Department of English, NTNU
本研究主要在探究以「質疑作者法」教學對國中生英文閱讀後記憶、推論及理解的影響。實驗對象為台北市某國中九年級兩班共62 名學生。其中一班31名學生為實驗組接受「質疑作者法」閱讀訓練,而另一班31 名學生為對照組仍為傳統教師講述上課方式。教學訓練每週兩節,持續五週。訓練前一週和訓練後一週以書寫閱讀後回憶和簡答題測量參與實驗者的閱讀理解能力。讀後回憶書寫用來評估質詢作者訓練在故事記憶,和三個推論層次(文本推論、讀者推論、錯誤推論)的效力。簡答題作為了解學生回答事實、詮釋、和回應三種問題在訓練後的效力。本研究結論為:第一、在故事記憶上,兩組並無顯著差別,實驗組沒有比對照組產生更多記憶。「質疑作者法」無法增加實驗組記憶閱讀內容的量。第二、實驗組在衍生讀者推論上有顯著差異,此組產生較多讀者推論。「質疑作者法」有效地增加實驗組閱讀時進行以讀者為主推論的潛力。第三、實驗組於回答詮釋類問題時,表現優於對照組。此方法促進讀者對文章意義的掌握。本文依據研究結果,建議將「質疑作者法」納入台灣英語教學課堂予以運用。
This study investigated the effects of Questioning the Author (QtA) on the reading comprehension of junior high school students in Taiwan. The participants were sixty-two ninth graders from two classes in a junior high school in Taipei City. The experimental group consisted of 31 students from one class, and the control group was comprised of 31 students in another class. The experimental group received instruction in QtA. For the control group, the instructor utilized atraditional lecture approach. The intervention was done in two periods per week for five consecutive weeks. Two easures, written recall and open-ended questions, were used in the pretest and posttest to assess three dimensions of comprehension—recall, inference generation in recall and responses to Open-ended Questions. Written recall was used tomeasure the effect of QtA lessons on the memory of text and on three levels of inference generation: reader-based, text-based and incorrect inferences. The open-ended questions were employed to assess the effects of QtA lessons on students’ answers to factual, interpretive or responsive questions. ANCOVA analyses on the three dimensions of the measuresshow that: (1) there was no significant difference between groups on written recall, (2) the experimental group produced significantly more reader-based inferences and (3) the experimental group performed significantly better than the control group on interpretive questions.
This study investigated the effects of Questioning the Author (QtA) on the reading comprehension of junior high school students in Taiwan. The participants were sixty-two ninth graders from two classes in a junior high school in Taipei City. The experimental group consisted of 31 students from one class, and the control group was comprised of 31 students in another class. The experimental group received instruction in QtA. For the control group, the instructor utilized atraditional lecture approach. The intervention was done in two periods per week for five consecutive weeks. Two easures, written recall and open-ended questions, were used in the pretest and posttest to assess three dimensions of comprehension—recall, inference generation in recall and responses to Open-ended Questions. Written recall was used tomeasure the effect of QtA lessons on the memory of text and on three levels of inference generation: reader-based, text-based and incorrect inferences. The open-ended questions were employed to assess the effects of QtA lessons on students’ answers to factual, interpretive or responsive questions. ANCOVA analyses on the three dimensions of the measuresshow that: (1) there was no significant difference between groups on written recall, (2) the experimental group produced significantly more reader-based inferences and (3) the experimental group performed significantly better than the control group on interpretive questions.