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Department of Adult and Continuing Education, NTNU


本研究主要目的乃建構我國成人教育指標系統模式、成人教育指標項目以及成人 教育指標操作型定義。   本研究以精釋法(hermeneutic)為主。研究對象為成人教育界之學者專家與行政專家, 共計樣本12位。本研究以Herpen之「背景-輸入-過程-成果」之模式為研究架構,來探 討成人教育指標。研究工具係依據相關文獻探討與專家會議討論後所發展的二份「成人教 育指標之重要性評定表」。   本研究結果得kappa係數為0.816,大於0.70由此可以證明二組專家的意見一致性相當 的高。此外,本研究根據各組專家對各項目評定之等級區分出主要指標,次要指標及參考 指標等三種等級。分析結果,共計主要指標15項,次要指標12項,以及參考指標5項。根據 本研究之過程與結果,本研究提出以下幾項建議: 一、確定成人教育的目標與範圍; 二、鼓勵民間投入成人教育之推動; 三、儘速建構成教機構多元入學管道及學習銜接體系; 四、充實成人教育學習資源,並提昇成人資訊素養能力; 五、提昇成人教育專業代以促進成人教育推展; 六、成立學習成就認證機構。
The purpose of this research is to construct adult education indicators system model, adult education indicator items, and the operational definition of adult education in 1998.   The method applied in this study is hermeneutic. The researched objects include twelve scholars, experts in the field of adult education and administrative experts. The research is to employ Herpen's model of background input-output- outcome process, in order to study adult education indicators. The research tools are based on documents related to this study and two scales, developed after experts meeting and discussion, called priority scale of adult education indicators. The kappa result of this study is 0.816, more than 0.70. This demonstrates high similarity between these two groups of experts. Apart from this, according to indicator items scaled by these experts, there are three classes of indicators, including primary, secondary and referential indicators. The result of analysis included 15 primary indicators, 12 secondary indicators and 5 referential indicators. Based on the process and result of this study, the followings are suggested: 1.The ultimate goals and fields of adult education should be assured; 2.Non-governmental involvement in adult education should be encoruaged; 3.Multiple accesses to adult education and connecting channels of different learning systems should be constructed with no further delay.


