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女性勞動參與率增加與經濟自主意識抬頭,臺灣地區女性創業家占整體企業數比率超過三分之一,但對於女性創業家的量化研究卻十分有限,故本研究以W協會之成員為對象,本研究採用偏最小平方法(Partial Least Squares, PLS),探討創業態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制及社會資本與資源拼湊之關聯性,並以創業傾向為中介變項。本研究以計畫行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB)為基礎,加入社會資本之觀點,整合內部與外部因素,發展兼具內外因素創新的研究架構,回收122份有效問卷。結果顯示創業態度、知覺行為控制、社會資本三個前置變項對創業傾向具有正向影響,且創業傾向對資源拼湊亦具有正向影響。在中介效果部分,創業傾向在前置變項知覺行為控制、社會資本,與結果變項資源拼湊之關聯性中,具有中介效果。然本研究結果發現,主觀規範對於創業傾向、資源拼湊均無顯著正向影響,對創業傾向的影響最高至低依次為創業態度、知覺行為控制、社會資本。對資源拼湊的影響,知覺行為的影響性相對較高,其次為社會資本,再其次為創業傾向。本研究結果可供政府決策者相關政策之擬定、學術研究之佐證,以及有意跨入創業行列的女性之參考。
The female labor force participation rate has remarkably increased and more females are eager to become financially independent. In Taiwan, despite female entrepreneurs are over one-third of the total entrepreneurs, there is little empirical research focus on female entrepreneurs. This study collected data from members of the Chinese Women's Business Association. This study utilizes Partial Least Squares (PLS) to explore relationships among entrepreneurial attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, social capital, and resource bricolage, via the mediator: entrepreneurial orientation. This study combines internal factors from Theory of Planned Behavior and external factors from social capital to develop a novel research framework. A total of 122 valid questionnaires are collected from Taiwanese female entrepreneurs. The results show that three constructs, namely, entrepreneurial attitude, perceived behavior control, and social capital, have positive effects on entrepreneurial orientation. Moreover, entrepreneurial orientation has a positive effect on resource bricolage. Entrepreneurial orientation plays mediating the role among perceived behavior control, social capital, and resource bricolage. The highest to lowest impact on entrepreneurial orientation is entrepreneurial attitude, perceptual behavior control, social capital, and subjective norms. The impact on resource patching is relatively high in perceptual behavior, followed by social capital, followed by entrepreneurial orientation. This study utilizes empirical research to broaden the research field of female entrepreneurs. Research results are beneficial and provide useful insights for future research as reference.
The female labor force participation rate has remarkably increased and more females are eager to become financially independent. In Taiwan, despite female entrepreneurs are over one-third of the total entrepreneurs, there is little empirical research focus on female entrepreneurs. This study collected data from members of the Chinese Women's Business Association. This study utilizes Partial Least Squares (PLS) to explore relationships among entrepreneurial attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, social capital, and resource bricolage, via the mediator: entrepreneurial orientation. This study combines internal factors from Theory of Planned Behavior and external factors from social capital to develop a novel research framework. A total of 122 valid questionnaires are collected from Taiwanese female entrepreneurs. The results show that three constructs, namely, entrepreneurial attitude, perceived behavior control, and social capital, have positive effects on entrepreneurial orientation. Moreover, entrepreneurial orientation has a positive effect on resource bricolage. Entrepreneurial orientation plays mediating the role among perceived behavior control, social capital, and resource bricolage. The highest to lowest impact on entrepreneurial orientation is entrepreneurial attitude, perceptual behavior control, social capital, and subjective norms. The impact on resource patching is relatively high in perceptual behavior, followed by social capital, followed by entrepreneurial orientation. This study utilizes empirical research to broaden the research field of female entrepreneurs. Research results are beneficial and provide useful insights for future research as reference.
計畫行為理論, 創業態度, 主觀規範, 知覺行為控制, 社會資本, 創業傾向, 資源拼湊, Theory of Planned Behavior, entrepreneurial attitude, subjective norm, social capital, perceived behavior control, resource bricolage, entrepreneurial orientation