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本研究目的為探討青少年接觸數位行銷經驗,研究方法採質性訪談研究,在 2020 年訪談 6 名新北市國中學生,研究結果如下: 一、 青少年接觸數位科技經驗:青少年在學齡期接觸行動科技,因觀察模仿家人使用,或家中長輩所淘汰的手機,所以青少年多在國小四、五年級時擁有行動科技,花更多時間在手機上,對健康、學習及親子關係有影響。 二、 青少年數位行銷接觸與購用經驗:青少年較常在觀看 YouTube 及FB 時接觸各種數位行銷,觀看 YouTube 時接觸到網紅,青少年覺得網紅是分享者亦是被贊助者,接觸數位行銷讓青少年產生購用的想法,然家長管教提供購用的約束力。 三、 青少年使用線上遊戲與課金經驗:青少年玩線上遊戲時,常因好奇心、接觸遊戲內促銷,進而產生課金行為,青少年長時間玩線上遊戲,對青少年身體、心理及學習也造成影響。本研究建議家長需多關心青少年使用手機後的社交互動、身心變化及金錢使用模式,學校提供青少年辨識數位行銷觀念。
This study aims to explore teenagers’ digital marketing exposure experiences. The qualitative research method was conducted. Six junior high school students from New Taipei City were interviewed in 2020. The results were as follows. 1. Teenagers’ digital technology and internet usage experiences: Teenagers were exposed to mobile technologies during their primary school years by observing and imitating family members using their mobile devices. Most teengers had their own mobile devices by fourth or fifth grade. Teenagers spent more time on mobile devices had adverse effects to their health, learning, and parent-child relationships. 2. Digital marketing exposure and online purchasing experiences: YouTube and Facebook were most popular platforms exposing teenagers to digital marketing. While watching YouTubers on YouTube, teenagers think that YouTubers are sharing the sponsored contents. By exposing to digital marketing like this, teenagers were motivated to buy the products promoted by the YouTubers. However, their parents can restrict them from purchasing. 3. Online gaming and in-app purchasing experiences: Teenagers often made in-app purchases while playing online games due to online in-game advertisements exposure and out of curiousity. Teenagers spent more time playing online games had adverse effects to their physical and psychological health as well as their learning. It was suggested that parents should pay more attention to their teengers’ social activities, physical and mental states stability, as well as how they spend money after their mobile devices usage, while schools should implement educational interventions to enhance teengers’ digital marketing literacy



青少年, 數位行銷, teenagers, digital marketing





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