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本研究旨在探討原住民專任運動教練現況,透過原住民專任運動教練調查及訪談,瞭解原住民專任運動教練對專任運動教練制度的看法,並剖析原住民專任運動教練目前在職場上所面臨的問題。本研究以目前349位專任運動教練中的13位原住民專任運動教練以此為對象,寄發13份問卷,並選取其中5位進行訪談。本研究調查所得資料以描述統計進行分析,再輔以訪談資料分析討論,研究結果發現如下: 一、原住民專任運動教練均具備專業的素養,對於運動訓練及技術經驗的傳承,具有 一定的效果及影響;惟在支援其他學校行政工作下,讓教練功能的發揮產生負面的效應。 二、原住民專任運動教練對於專任運動教練制度的理解程度,與一般非原住民專任運動教練無顯著差異;惟在遴聘制度上,應考量原住民族的特殊性,使原住民族地區能建立更完善的培訓體系。 三、目前原住民專任運動教練在訓練工作上主要面臨的困難,包括選手招募不易、經費不足,以及需要社會支援等。因此,未來整體培訓體系應朝教育與訓練並重,尋求與在地資源整合,以發展具地方特色及優勢的競技運動項目。
To understand the statuses of aboriginal professional sport coaches, we issued a survey to 13 aboriginal coaches out of 349 coaches and selected 5 out of 13 to conduct interviews regarding the system of professional coaches and challenges aboriginal coaches face in the professional field. After analyzing the data from the survey, and with the information gathered from the interviews, we found the followings: 1.Aboriginal professional sport coaches are process adequate skill and knowledge. They do have certain influence and impacts on sport training and the transmission of techniques and experience; however, when assisting administrative tasks in schools, the function of being a coach is lessened. 2.There are no significant differences between aboriginal and non-aboriginal coaches in terms of understanding of thesystem of professional sport coaches. However, in the system of selecting coaches, it should consider someone’s status of being aboriginal to improve the training systems at aboriginal locations. 3.Some of the major challenges aboriginal coaches face include it’s hard to recruit athletes and insufficient fund. They need the support from the society. Therefore, the training system should also incorporate education, utilize local resources, and develop representative games in the future.



原住民族, 運動教練, 專任運動教練, 制度, Aboriginal, Sport Coach, Professional Sport Coach, System





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