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二○○八年七月,7-11統一超商首度與「潮流品牌」STAY REAL異業結盟,將旗下企業吉祥物「OPEN小將」與該品牌共同推出聯名商品,開創便利商店通路的新藍海,是為台灣地區首件「超商品牌與潮流設計品牌聯名商品行銷模式」的啟示性個案(Revelatory case)亦為關鍵個案(Critical case)。因此本研究採探索性研究(Exploratory research),藉由深度訪談法(In-depth interview)、次級資料(Secondary Qualitative Study)以及觀察法(Observation)等資料蒐集方式,歸納並分析通路品牌與設計品牌聯名商品行銷模式之重要元素,以提供其他品牌日後與便利超商通路合作之參考;運用台灣地區便利超商的高密度特性,促進通路與合作品牌雙贏之局面。研究結果如下:1.聯名合作專案由超商(通路)品牌發起。2.聯名品牌形象定位與超商(通路)品牌形象定位相近。3.聯名商品之品項,為超商(通路)品牌本身未開發經營之品類。4.聯名商品生命週期短。5.通路品牌門市數量多,顧客觸及度高,可以量制價。6.可自行翻閱之商品型錄(DM)仍為重要且必要的設計製作物。7.須藉助設計製作物消除消費者購買疑慮。8.顧客疑難解決流程之教育訓練需標準化。
Taiwan has the highest convenience store density in the world. According to FTC (FAIR TRADE COMMISSION, EXECUTIVE’s YUAN, TAIWAN)’s report, an average of 2500 people that there is a convenience store, it is estimated that more than 8.5 million people go to the convenience stores for shopping every day. Nelson“Consumer Shopping Behavior Investigation” also shows that consumers in Taiwan's average monthly frequency of convenience store shopping to 15 times, in other words, consumers in Taiwan will be an average of 2 days of visit a convenience store. This shows that convenience store is a very important shopping channel to the consumers in Taiwan. July 2008 , President Chain Store Corp. collaborated with the " Trendy Brand" -STAY REAL by its corporate mascot "OPEN Jiang" as a different industry alliance to launch the joint co-brand ( crossover ) products. They founded the new market space of convenience store channel by Blue Ocean Strategy and became not only the revelatory case of " marketing model of crossover collaboration between Taiwan CVS and trendy brand " but also the critical case. Therefore, the study used “exploratory research”mode, and collected data by “in-depth interview”、“Secondary Qualitative study”and“Observation”. Using these data to analyze the key elements of the marketing model on“crossover collaboration between CVS and design brand”, to offer others design brand in Taiwan as a reference. Lastly these research summarized into the following eight points for conclusion:(1)The crossover collaboration project was originated by the convenience store (channel) brand.(2)the collaborative brand should have similar brand image.(3)the category of crossover products should be undeveloped in the convenience store (channel) brand’s product line(. 4)the crossover collaboration was in a short product life cycle.(5)the crossover collaboration can do cost-down by the great quantity of stores and high consumers contact rate.(6)Browsable DMs are still the highly important promotional design items.(7)It’s necessary to reassure consumers by promotional design items.(8)The customer satisfaction shoule be standardized.
Taiwan has the highest convenience store density in the world. According to FTC (FAIR TRADE COMMISSION, EXECUTIVE’s YUAN, TAIWAN)’s report, an average of 2500 people that there is a convenience store, it is estimated that more than 8.5 million people go to the convenience stores for shopping every day. Nelson“Consumer Shopping Behavior Investigation” also shows that consumers in Taiwan's average monthly frequency of convenience store shopping to 15 times, in other words, consumers in Taiwan will be an average of 2 days of visit a convenience store. This shows that convenience store is a very important shopping channel to the consumers in Taiwan. July 2008 , President Chain Store Corp. collaborated with the " Trendy Brand" -STAY REAL by its corporate mascot "OPEN Jiang" as a different industry alliance to launch the joint co-brand ( crossover ) products. They founded the new market space of convenience store channel by Blue Ocean Strategy and became not only the revelatory case of " marketing model of crossover collaboration between Taiwan CVS and trendy brand " but also the critical case. Therefore, the study used “exploratory research”mode, and collected data by “in-depth interview”、“Secondary Qualitative study”and“Observation”. Using these data to analyze the key elements of the marketing model on“crossover collaboration between CVS and design brand”, to offer others design brand in Taiwan as a reference. Lastly these research summarized into the following eight points for conclusion:(1)The crossover collaboration project was originated by the convenience store (channel) brand.(2)the collaborative brand should have similar brand image.(3)the category of crossover products should be undeveloped in the convenience store (channel) brand’s product line(. 4)the crossover collaboration was in a short product life cycle.(5)the crossover collaboration can do cost-down by the great quantity of stores and high consumers contact rate.(6)Browsable DMs are still the highly important promotional design items.(7)It’s necessary to reassure consumers by promotional design items.(8)The customer satisfaction shoule be standardized.
便利超商, 潮流品牌, 聯名, 品牌行銷, T恤, Convenience store, Trendy brand, Crossover, Brand marketing, T-Shirt