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  本研究旨在探討創作兒歌在國小台語教學運用之研究。主要以市佔率過半的真平版本台語教材,共計十二册的教師手册與多媒體教唱光碟片,及康軒、巧兒版、等附有曲譜可供探討之部份兒歌。主要探討的內容為兒歌教學應用及限制,和歌唱中旋律動向,與屬聲調性語言的台語語言行腔,在詩樂諧合的對應關係作分析研究。全文共分五章,緒論主要陳述本文之研究動機及目的、研究方法與研究範圍及限制,文獻回顧內容主要為台語兒歌相關研究及台語聲調學的相關研究。接著針對可供探討之指標性台語兒歌教案,依據相關理論,探討其創作旋律與歌詞中聲調高低起伏、詩樂諧合關係的對應層次。分為協和一致、動向大致協和、動向不諧和。研究中將台語教學兒歌置於,帶動語音正確學習之工具層次研究。也將詞曲互動時所產生,不利語言學習之各細節就對應理論作詳述,並提出可行之調整建議,祈能符合語言教學功能。   研究結果顯示:現今大環境不利台語傳承教學的牽絆仍眾,流通的台語兒歌教材品質仍需加強。透過本研究,希望研究結果能做為教育主管單位、出版公司、台語兒歌創作者、教師、家長團体未來選用、創作、運用兒歌於台語教學時的参考。相信台語兒歌詩樂諧合的紮實根基,也能引導未來的主人翁,爾後在創作台語時代歌謠時在「語詞」、「旋律」「情境」的表現上有更多真、善、美的文化傳承。
The purpose of this study is to explore the application of children’s Taiwanese songs in pedagogy. In Taiwan The teaching material I focus here is the Cen-Phin version, whose market share surpasses 50%. It has 12 volumes of teacher’s handbooks and multimedia song-teaching CDs. I also examine some songs in the Khang-siuan and Tshiau-Er versions as the music scores are available for discussion. The main issues of the exploration include the application and limitation of teaching children’s songs- the melodic lines of these children’s songs, the tone of the language since Taiwanese is a tone language, and the analytical study of the correspondence between poetry and music. There are five chapters in the thesis , starting with an introduction , the motivation , the purpose of the study, research methods and the scope and restriction of the study. Literature review entails the relevant studies of Taiwanese children’s songs and Taiwanese tonetics. Then the discussion focuses on the available, exemplary teaching plans of Taiwanese children’s songs. Based on related theories, we explore the correspondence of the melodic lines and the different tones of the lyrics and classify them into three categories according the level of correspondence between the poetry and music: consistent, roughly consistent and inconsistent. In the study, the Taiwanese children’s songs are treated as a tool to enhance the correct learning of the tones. In addition, there are detailed discussions about the unhelpful language learning conditions resulted from the interaction of lyrics and music, and applicable suggestions of adjustment in the hope of fulfilling the purpose of language teaching. The outcome of the study shows that, the overall circumstance at present is still not helpful for Taiwanese teaching with numerous obstacles and improvements for the currently available teaching materials of Taiwanese children’s songs are still very necessary. I hope this study could be used as a reference for educational institutes, publishers, song writers of Taiwanese children’s songs, teachers and parent groups when they are choosing, writing or applying children’s songs in Taiwanese teaching in the future. I believe that on the sound basis of consistent correspondence between poetry and music in Taiwanese children’s songs, the future masters of our society could bewell-instructed and more cultural heritage of truth, virtue and beauty with better expressions in lyrics, melody and artistry could be created when writing contemporary Taiwanese songs. Key words: Taiwanese children’s song, tone language, accent following the tone, melodic direction, consistent correspondence between poetry and music



台語兒歌, 聲調性語言, 語言行腔, 旋律動向, 詩樂諧合

