

老年人身體姿態控制是否受身體活動量 與視覺訊息影響? 游斯徨 指導者:卓俊伶、吳姿瑩 摘要 以系統模式的觀點,認為身體姿態控制的衰退與對視覺訊息的依賴,起因於身體姿態控制次系統功能的下降所造成,然而身體活動對次系統的助益已獲得證實。因此本研究旨在探討身體活動量與視覺訊息,對老年人身體姿態控制的影響,並進一步暸解視覺訊息依賴,是否受身體活動的影響?本研究使用老年人身體活動量表 (PASE) 調查四十位老年人,平均年齡為70.5 (SD = 3.9) 歲,並以雙足站立平衡為實驗工作要求,進行睜眼與閉眼兩種情境操弄,使用靜態平衡穩定測量系統,測量支撐腳的壓力中心縱向正負平均位移,與橫向正負平均位移所構成面積。經2(身體活動量)× 2(視覺訊息)混合設計二因子變異數分析(ANOVA),其中視覺訊息為重複量數,結果發現,(一) 身體活動與視覺訊息對老年人身體姿態控制有交互作用,在閉眼的情境高身體活動量組與低身體活動量組達統計的顯著差異 (F (1,38) = 17.38, p< .05, ES = .64);(二) 身體姿態控制對視覺訊息的依賴,高身體活動量組與低身體活動量組達統計的顯著差異 (F (1,38) = 7.50, p < .05, ES = .33)。依據上述結果,本研究所得結論為:(一) 身體姿態控制受身體活動與視覺訊息的影響;(二) 於穩定身體姿態,高身體活動量的老年人對視覺訊息的依賴,較低於低身體活動量的老年人。 關鍵詞:老年人、身體活動、視覺訊息、身體姿態控制、平衡
DO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Level AND VISUAL INFORMATION EFFECT ON POSTUR CONTROL IN OLDER ADULTS? Ssu-Huang Yu Advisor: Junling Jwo, Ph.D. Co-advisor: Tsu-Yin Wu, Ph.D. Abstract Decline on posture control and depend on visual information, which according to the System Model is due to effects of decline on posture control. Although effects of physical activity on posture control were attested. The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of physical activity and visual information on posture control, and further, investigate the effects of physical activity on visual dependant. A survey with Physical activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) was administered to 40 older adults (mean age = 70.5 yrs., SD = 3.9 yrs.). The experimental task was to stand on two-legs for eyes-opened and eyes-closed conditions. The area of press of center (COP) was recorded by Castsys 2000 Sway Force Plate system. Mixed-design two-way ANOVA (physical activity level × visual information) with repeated measures on visual information, revealed that (1) Interaction effects were found during acquisition in different physical activity level and visual information (F(1,38) = 6.03, p< .05, ES = .13, power = .66), and significant different was found in eye-closed condition (F (1,38) = 17.38, p < .05, ES = .64); (2) The visual dependant in posture control, high physical activity group and low physical activity group was significant different (F (1,38) = 7.50, p < .05, ES = .33)。It was concluded that (1) the effect of physical activity and visual information on posture control, (2) in posture control, the visual dependant in older adults of high physical activity was low thanolder adults of low physical activity. Key words:older adults, physical activity, visual information, postural control, balance



老年人, 身體活動, 視覺訊息, 身體姿態控制, 平衡, older adults, physical activity, visual information, postural control, balance





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