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在傳統的磁感測器中,現今常見的架構大致分為異向性磁電阻(Anisotropic Magneto Resistivity, AMR)與霍爾感測器(Hall sensor)。雖然在量測微磁場的條件下,異向性磁電阻有著較佳的靈敏度與線性度,但是其感測器與後續的電路較為不容易銜接,其原因在於感測器並非使用CMOS相關製程,並且在製造成本上相較於霍爾感測器要來的高。 因此為了降低感測器實現的成本,本論使用TSMC 0.18 um 1P6M CMOS與0.35 um 1P4M CMOS共兩個製程來實現霍爾感測器。除此之外,為了彌補霍爾感測器線性度較差的問題,因此使用差動摺疊垂直式霍爾元件與平行摺疊垂直式霍爾元件,利用多個相同的感測器來有效的減小非線性。另一方面,為了彌補霍爾感測器靈敏度較差的問題,因此配合著折疊垂直式霍爾元件,使用負阻抗轉換器使其中一端的霍爾元件轉換至負阻抗,藉由正端霍爾元件與負端霍爾元件的串聯,來減小霍爾元件本身的阻抗的影響,並且同時增幅霍爾效應。隨著平行霍爾元件與負阻抗轉換器的配合,達到高感度的目的。 最後,本論文採用TSMC 0.18 um 1P6M CMOS 的差動摺疊垂直式霍爾元件,其最佳的電流相關靈敏度為691 V/AT,最佳靈敏度為1.04 V/T。而TSMC 0.35 um 1P4M CMOS 的平行摺疊垂直式霍爾元件,其最佳的電流相關靈敏度為743 V/AT,最佳靈敏度為0.82 V/T。
The conventional magnetic sensors can be separated into Anisotropic Magneto Resistivity (AMR) and Hall sensor. The AMR has better sensitivity and linearity when measuring in the condition of micro-magnetic field, but the sensor is harder to integrate into the electronic circuit than the other. The reason is that the AMR is not manufactured by the CMOS process, and its cost is higher than the Hall sensor. In order to reduce the cost of the sensor, this adopts two kinds of process 0.18 mm 1P6M CMOS and 0.35 um 2P4M CMOS in TSMC to manufacture the Hall device. Furthermore, we use the Differential folded vertical Hall device and the parallel folded vertical Hall device to offset the worse linearity of the Hall sensor. Many of the sensors can reduce the nonlinearity effectively. On the other hand, we use negative impedance converter (NIC) to make one of the Hall sensors be transferred into negative resistance. That can optimize the sensitivity of the Hall device by reducing the effect of resistance and enhancing the Hall Effect through the series between positive and negative Hall device. It can achieve high sensitivity with folded vertical Hall device and NIC. In conclusion, this adopted the process of TSMC 0.18 um 1P6M CMOS for parallel folded vertical Hall device. Their best supply-current-related magnetic sensitivity is 691 V/A•T and 743 V/A•T, and the best sensitivity is 1.04 V/T and 0.82 V/T separately.



霍爾效應, 磁感測, 垂直式霍爾元件, 負阻抗轉換器, Hall Effect, magnetic sensors, Vertical Hall sensor, Negative Impedance converter





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