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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education National Taiwan Normal University


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a high myopiccomplications preventive intervention program, based on health belief model,among high myopic freshmen. The study employed a true experimental design,based on the health belief model and adult education special elements, at oneuniversity in north Taiwan. High myopia subjects (myopic spherical equivalence 6diopters or more) were identified at routine freshmen physical examination programof 2014 and were allocated randomly as experimental or control group. Subjects inthe experimental group were enrolled in the intervention program, while subjectsin control group were not. Questionnaires were distributed at three time points, thatwere September, October and November 2014 respectively, and one-way analysisof covariance (one way-ANCOVA) was conducted for all collected data.Compared to the control group, high myopic freshmen in the experimentalgroup performed better post-test in “knowledge,” “self-efficacy,” and “preventivehealth behavior” issues of high myopic complications prevention. While in the post post-test, experimental group performed better only in “self-efficacy” and “selfexaminationbehavior,” which is part of “preventive health behavior” issues. Inconclusion, this study demonstrated that high myopic complications preventiveintervention program had immediate effective with respect to promote high myopiccomplications preventive knowledge, self-efficacy, and preventive health behavior.Also this program was proved to have prolonged effect in self-efficacy and selfexaminationbehavior.There are lack of information and instruction course about high myopiccomplications prevention in our college and community. This program could beadopted by school or local governmental departments for high myopic students orresidents, in the purpose of self-management of health and “early diagnosis andearly treatment” of high myopic complications.


