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本研究旨在探討國民運動中心之營建指標,研究目的首先是建構出國民運動中心營建指標,其次分析國民運動中心營建指標之各層級權重,所獲得之結果冀以提供政府單位、民間業者等,未來規劃國民運動中心時之參考。研究採用德爾菲法、模糊分析層級程序法,建構出本研究「國民運動中心營建指標權重調查問卷」。德爾菲法部份,調查學者及實務專家計12位;模糊分析層級程序法權重部份,調查學者及實務專家計18位。所得數據資料將採用平均數、標準差做為瞭解專家學者之意見分佈情況;採幾何平均數計算出三角模糊數,建立模糊成對比較矩陣,以操作模糊權重值來計算指標權重與排序。 本研究結論如下: 1.國民運動中心營建指標,於先期規劃層面,共獲得8個主要指標40個題項;主硬體設施規劃層面共6個主要指標32個題項;服務與軟體設施規劃層面共4個主要指標20個題項。 2.國民運動中心營建指標之模糊權重分析結果,首重營建指標之先期規劃層面、次要為主硬體設施規劃層面、最後為服務與軟體設施規劃層面。另先期規劃層面指標首重為運動中心功能、主硬體設施規劃層面指標首重為游泳池運動設施(含SPA)、服務與軟體設施規劃層面指標首重設施安全管理。 3.先期規劃層面題項串聯後權重排序首重具有多樣性主體運動空間設施規劃、主硬體設施規劃層面題項首重水質過濾系統、服務與軟體設施規劃層面題項首重定期進行運動場地與設施安全檢查。 本研究所建構之國民運動中心營建指標,主要目為提出細項指標及題項內涵,藉以提供各縣市政府主管國民運動中心部門及建築師事務所等相關部門,有一實質上的參考內容與依據,如此不但可降低多次會議的審查程序,又可確保該地區國民運動中心的籌設品質,另外審查委員專家群代表性更是先期規劃成功與否的關鍵因素。針對未來研究,建議研究者可從模糊德爾菲法開始操作模糊理論,亦可以朝向加入實證研究的分析,如此將可更清楚知道民眾對於國民運動中心的營建指標內容看法,以做為第二代國民運動中心的規劃參考指標。
The purpose of this study was to develop construction indicators for sports centers. First step is defining the domain of construction indicator for sports centers, and followed by analytic procedures to acquire weightings for each sub-category of the construction indicator. The resulted indicators will provide a constructive direction to policy makers and practitioners as they plan for the construction of sports centers. In this study, use adopted a Delphi method and a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to originate a “Sports Center Construction Indicator Weighting Survey”. Approached 12 academic researchers and practitioners to apply for the Delphi method, and 18 academic researchers and practitioners following the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. In analysis, considered the mean and standard deviation of our data as the basis for the extent of agreement among researchers and practitioners; adopted the geometric means to acquire the triangular fuzzy numbers to form a fuzzy pairwise comparison matrix; finally, fuzzy weights obtained from the process were operationalized into weightings for each category and enabled the prioritization of construction indicators. Results from the research indicate: (1) Initial planning phase contains 8 indicators and is measured by 40 items; architecture and facility planning phase contains 6 indicators and can be measured by 32 items; and software and service planning phase includes 4 indicators and contains 20 items. (2) As the application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process shows, the initial planning phase received the highest weighting, and the software and service planning phase received the minimum weighting. In addition, the most critical indicators at the initial planning, architecture and facility planning, and software and service planning phases are sports center functions, swimming pool facilities (including SPA), and safety management, respectively. (3) After considering the means of items in the initial planning, architecture and facility planning, and software and service planning phases, the most desired outcomes were diversified exercise site planning, water filter system, and regular facility and site safety inspections, respectively. The finding reveals detailed construction indicators and items, they provide a useful indication and direction for the development of sports centers. Based on such indicators, government agencies and decision makers will be able to develop a prompt review of key areas of concern (e.g., integration of resources or budgeting) based on a constructive guidance. The results are not exclusive, and the use of this indicator may be contingent upon additional guidance or rules; however, results may provide useful directions for architects and planners when mapping out basic designs when called upon by authorities involved in the first and second stage. This way, redundancies in administrative procedures and common quality deficiencies may be avoided. The Fuzzy Delphi method is recommended for future research by following the fuzzy theory. Further, empirical evidence is also encouraged to refine current version by investigating public perception towards the construction indicator for sports centers.



國民運動中心, 運動設施, 規劃設計, 營建指標, sports center, sport facility, design, construction indicator

